This is great, and very honourable, but I would just draw Loss.
171 0 ReplyLoss wins
23 0 ReplyOf course to represent the Common Nazi L
20 0 ReplyThey're gonna be at a loss for questions at what it means
13 0 ReplyOh thank god I wasn't the only one who thought that.
11 0 ReplyA four square board to bash a ball on Nazi faces
3 0 Reply
That's only if they draw an actual swastika. Nazis are so dumb that half the time they can't even draw a proper one.
130 0 ReplyGood grief they're like AI-generated hands
48 0 ReplyPerfect description!
4 0 Reply
Haha yeah some fucking clown drew a load on a wall near me and got every single one of them wrong, but all wrong in different ways
39 0 ReplyThat's almost impressive. Got a pic?
11 0 Reply
A swastikan't
19 0 ReplySieg fail
9 0 Reply
this is what sucks so much, they fuck it up and make it hard to overwrite, but if you don't overwrite it everyone can still tell what they were trying to do...
14 0 Replyr/heilhortler
...wait wrong website12 0 ReplyNo don't bring pleasant memories of the former place with the r/subsections. It's too soon. Still that was a great sub.
3 0 Reply
Some of these definitely aren't trying to be swastikas
9 0 Replyamongus bottom pic
5 0 ReplyI have been staring at all 3 bottom pics for at least a minute and I cannot figure out which one you think is supposed to be amongus
3 0 Reply
Those look AI generated
3 0 ReplyHa! You still haven't seen the flag of Golden Dawn, a greek neonazi party which was trialed due to (commanding) violence and even murder multiple times. Its symbol is everywhere on the streets as a graffiti.
2 0 Reply
Turns out 4 boxes arranged as a square is a really versatile art foundation
32 0 ReplyAlways reminds me of this postcard I found in my grandma’s album. It’s just 4 L’s. Luck, Love, Life and Light.
28 0 ReplyThat's because the nazi's co-opted the symbol which was a symbol of peace
39 0 ReplyYou know what they say:
If it's straight, you're peaceful mate.
If it's askew, they hate the Jew.
12 0 ReplyWhich is honestly a common misunderstanding. Just depends on context. Some temples that I have gone to have several banners/paintings with the swastika at various angles.
16 0 Reply
finally i can turn nazis into loss
25 0 ReplyPretty rare to see a swastika that's drawn well enough to do this
23 0 ReplyYou can still lovewinsify it, albeit as poorly as the original "artwork". Still gonna be better though.
2 0 Reply
I am partial to the Iron Front ↙️↙️↙️ but this new approach is pretty good! The Iron Front arrows were used to cover the swastika during the time of the actual Nazis and it was a powerful statement. Seeing it being a popular symbol at soccer/football games is a good thing
15 0 ReplyIf you're feeling lazy, then either draw a 🚫 (I don't know what it's called) over it, or do step 2 and turn it into loss.
12 0 ReplyOr you could just do the first step in this and turn them into preschooler drawing of a house windows
11 0 ReplyOr old school Windows 95 logo with a bit more effort
9 0 Reply
That "hey man wtf >:O" made me chuckle lmao
10 0 ReplyYou can honestly just draw the box and consider it de-swastika'd, the other steps are to make it look pretty.
10 0 ReplyHell yeah, going around making Windows logos. That's my jam.
17 0 Reply
Hooray counter-crime!
8 0 ReplyI love this so much, I audibly gasped. The one and only downside is how much of an asshole I'd feel being forced to scrub the "graffiti" off for work
4 0 Reply