My fav currently are Shanghai St Dumplings on Elizabeth St. The Fried Beef Dumplings(which contains cheese and beetroot) is out of this world good. For a while they were doing this cool thing where they were (I assume) pouring hot oil over the top of the dumpling too, which made it crispy in parts you wouldn't expect. Strong recommendation from a dumpling aficianado
That's just near Aussie Disposals yeah? I walked past but I didnt see anyone standing out front and wasnt sure of the process so I chickened out haha.
I ended up at Old Shanghai which was... passable I guess.
Mistakes were made 😬 and yeh that's the one. They sometimes have someone standing infront to welcome people, otherwise you just go up to the entry and someone will spot you and seat you
Shanghai Village used to be the best, but it got too busy and prices went up. Last time I went there, the dumplings were still good, but that was a while ago now.