TootSweet Two new squares appear. H9 and A0. Each contains a portal to the other.
42 0 ReplyEevoltic [she/her] A changelog of this week's moves appears in B4
39 3 ReplySavvyWolf
A full set of red pieces are placed on the board on random squares.
33 1 Replyjabathekek
Communist Invasion
14 0 Reply
The knights all unionise and start a protest
20 0 ReplyDarkard GDI construction yard builds a power plant in H4
20 0 ReplyMechanite Are we going for a Mammoth Tank at some point?
4 0 Reply
Olap Rxd6+
10 0 ReplyZiglin (they/them) Against all probability a sperm whale is called into existence along side a bowl of petunias several miles above the surface of the chess board.
10 0 ReplyStrawberry The board is now injera and is flooded with various Ethiopian stews and vegetable dishes
9 1 Replyjabathekek
That sounds delicious.
2 0 Reply
Clasm A knight on each size moves to an open field and grow to be 2x their original size.
6 0 Replyjabathekek
3 0 ReplyFeathercrown each side* ?
1 0 ReplyClasm Yes.
2 0 Reply
webghost0101 The white pieces permanently rename themselves into the black pieces.
The black pieces permanently rename themselves into the pink pieces.
They refuse any moves directed at their deadnames.
6 0 ReplyBarbecueCowboy Run those rules sequentially, every piece is a pink piece.
5 0 Replywebghost0101 Didn’t think of that, i had it the other way around originally and thought the flow was better this way,
The flow of anarchy surely is.
3 0 Reply
Zerg Invasion
6 1 Replysilva Each piece moves one square up, wrapping around to the start it they are at the end of the board.
8 3 ReplyNo_Change_Just_Money The two rice corns start to play a smaller game of chess against each other
4 0 ReplyJulian The Doctor arrives on h2
5 1 Replygrrk
Both kings get afflicted with explosive diarrhea
7 3 Replyℍ𝕖𝕝𝕝𝕤𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕞𝕪
Making all squares adjacent to them brown
1 0 Reply
Jerkface Construct more pylons
4 0 ReplyDarkard Where new board?
3 0 ReplyEevoltic [she/her] doesn't want to cross the knights' picket line
1 1 Reply
The Hegemon Husk
Column E becomes flooded and is now only navigable by flying units
3 0 ReplyHonytawk A giant takes a bite out of the chessboard
2 0 Replystarlord It's just a jump to the left...
2 0 ReplyouRKaoS Both Black Knights do the Cha-Cha Slide
2 0 ReplyIndiBrony
One knight becomes Pinkie Pie.
4 3 Replyxor both kings enter a suicide pact and capture each other
1 0 ReplyTier 1 Build-A-Bear 🧸
Black Knight to G0 for the check
1 0 Replymsage I'm putting Teya in a face-down position
1 0 Reply