I think under 35 is kinda young. Maybe a few hundred years ago you would have counted as old but nowadays with modern healthcare people live much longer and healthier.
I still remember the day I grew old. After forgetting my change at a self checkout machine, an younger attendant ran after me and refered to me as 'sir'. After that day, I was no longer young. I was 29.
I realised I had become an adult when some woman told her kid "that mister" would tell him off if he didn't behave, and gestured in my direction. I looked behind me. There was nobody there.
I had become The Mister. The stranger based punishment of exasperated mothers everywhere. Fear me, little children, and despair.
Damn, I turned old when I grabbed some coloring pages off the ground to give them back to a child and got called the "nice fat lady" afterwards by the child. Double whammy
I remember the day as well. I walked all through the store grabbing everything I needed and while waiting in the checkout I realized I forgot the milk. I laughed and said "Oh wow" then the guy behind me looked at me and I shrugged and said "I forgot the milk!" and left the line I'd been standing in for a few minutes to get the milk.
My age at the time didn't matter because it was on that day, I became old. Talking to strangers in the grocery store, forgetting to get the milk, and laughing about it? Old.
More effort for the creator to edit? Possibly isolates audiences unfamiliar with the franchise, particularly those who wouldn’t know that the fish is a newscaster or that the stylized TV is a TV? Also, the wojak is underwater and as a human presumably wouldn’t be able to breathe (boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder).
I’m also just now noticing that a real life photo of clothes has been edited onto the cartoon wojak. It seems like there’s too much hyperstylization in the visuals in contrast to what is supposed to be a generic idea in the message.
The first time I can remember feeling old was when I was walking home behind a couple of kids and one said to the other in a cautionary tone that there was a "big ol' guy" (or words to that effect) behind them. I guess I seemed menacing in some way? I was in my early twenties, which means those kids are older now than I was then.