My phone: "we paused your music/video because you clicked on another video/song/sound clip and we don't want you to get overwhelmed by multiple audio streams"
Nothing to do with auto play. My phone gets upset if I try to have more than one audio source open at a time, regardless of intent (I have to install an app and explicitly state which apps shouldn't pause media); meanwhile my PC doesn't give a fuck.
Ye, I have Sound Assistant (I think that's what you're referring to). It looks like it's been updated because I'm almost certain it used to only let you pick one app, but now you can choose all apps. It still only has the option for none, one or all apps though (no option to allow just some apps).
Do not know how many times I've been driving down the road peacefully listening to an audiobook when my family or friends start a conversation in a group chat that pings every 3 to 10 seconds with new replies or notifications that someone "loved" a comment or some shit.
My phone: "The truth was evident all along. In fact, the killer was..." PING ... "evident all along..." PING... "evident all along. In fact,..." PING... "evident all along. In fact, the killer was right under..." PING...
I want my phone to still be reachable. I want to receive texts still, as well as calls. I just don't want to be inundated with interrupting notifications while trying to listen to something when I can't easily manipulate my phone.
They could make an optional setting to where after a notification pings, your phone won't ping for subsequent notifications for some time frame after, like, say, 30 seconds. They could also let you set default notification preferences when your phone is connected to Bluetooth in a car or playing continuous audio streams like music, audiobooks and podcasts. Like if I'm in a vehicle with a screen that has popup notifications, maybe that's the only way I want those notifications while in the car. Or maybe while listening to audiobooks, music, or whatever, I may want the notifications to not pause the audio, but play concurrently, or only vibrate instead, or flash my phones flashlight, etc.
There should be other options between accept constant interruptions or cut off all contract from the outside world.
Right, but you still have to manually change between notification sounds or vibrate only. Would be nice if there was a way to set it so that it did that by default when playing continuous audio streams. Or used other notifications methods like the flashlight strobe, or using your vehicle's screen when connected to it. I will also never need to have multiple pings happen back to back to back when I'm not actively using my phone, so a way to make it only ping once for a notification and ignore subsequent notifications for some time frame (say 30 seconds) when not actively using my phone screen would be lovely.
I want my phone to still be reachable. I want to receive texts still, as well as calls. I just don't want to be inundated with interrupting notifications while trying to listen to something when I can't easily manipulate my phone.
They could make an optional setting to where after a notification pings, your phone won't ping for subsequent notifications for some time frame after, like, say, 30 seconds. They could also let you set default notification preferences when your phone is connected to Bluetooth in a car or playing continuous audio streams like music, audiobooks and podcasts. Like if I'm in a vehicle with a screen that has popup notifications, maybe that's the only way I want those notifications while in the car. Or maybe while listening to audiobooks, music, or whatever, I may want the notifications to not pause the audio, but play concurrently, or only vibrate instead, or flash my phones flashlight, etc.
There should be other options between accept constant interruptions or cut off all contract from the outside world.
One time I had this happen while I was listening to one of the Emperor of Thorns books. The scene being described was of scrotal mutilation and my brother kept texting me during the reading.
I didn't want to hear about scrotal mutilation that many times.
Otherwise, excellent YA book series, audio or otherwise.
Android will let you make a custom notification for a group. I don't know about iOS. (So you could turn the notifications off just for the one group, but still receive texts from other people like them individually.)
There was a feature I had on android several years ago where you could limit notification sounds by time. You could pick from 1 to like 10 minutes. The first one would ping you and the rest for that timeframe would be silent notifications until the timeframe ended and treated the next one like normal.
Edit: still a feature on the texting app I use, Textra. I like their features so much I paid for it and keep reverting back when trying stock or anything else. I'm sure there's some big flaw I don't know about since it's an old SMS app though.
My ideal fix would be waterboarding people who design apps that ping me every time someone that isn't me reacts to a comment that isn't mine in a group text I didn't start.
I can think of a few ways. If I'm driving, my phone is connected to my cars Bluetooth and alerts me to incoming texts visually with pop up on my dash screen. I would prefer if I could chose to have me notifications default to just a screen popup on the car instead of interrupting audio while they're connected. (the actual pop up blocks literally everything in the screen and never disappears until it is replaced by another popup or you press "ignore", which is terrible design, but that's toyota's fault not my phone's).
And at no time have I ever needed to have my phone ding back to back to back. I would also like the ability to set it to only ding once every, say, 30 seconds (let the user choose the time frame) if i haven't picked up my phone in between. If multiple notifications come up in that time, once was enough to let me know I have something waiting. I'll get to it when I get to it.
As others have suggest putting the phone in vibrate should prevent this issue.
But I think the correct approach is that the sounds should play overlapped. What the parent comment to yours was talking about was the preferred audio playback is paused so the intruding audio can be played, and then the podcast/audiobook will rewind for a second before restarting play. Just mix the audio from both together instead.
My family and friends use Discord, and nobody gets added to a group chat on Discord by accident. Your problems only exist because your family uses trash apps. Your mistake is allowing yourself to be contacted on Meta garbage
also disabling the paste function when having repeated fields (like password or phone number confirmation fields). webdevs shouldn't have access to these apis and those who use them should feel very bad
IMO, the worst is pausing my media to play an ad in an unrelated application.
No matter what I try, I can't get my music to play over the ad. I can silence the ad, go to my player, hit play to resume the music, and as soon as I flip back to the app playing the ad, the music pauses. So I have three choices: uninstall this shit, listen to silence until the ad is over, or listen to the ad.
Either I pay for the app to have it without ads or I remove it. Both my pc and my phone are ad free. I watch YouTube without ads thanks to the grayjay app, which includes sponsor block. I removed Reddit when Boost stopped working for it. I don't watch sports because of all the ads. I live an ad free life.
Use Adguard DNS. Assuming you use Android:
Settings, connections, other connection settings, private DNS, choose the option at the bottom, paste
Pro tip : if you're on an android phone, specifically a Samsung device, you can download an app called Sound Assistant by Good Lock Labs.
Open it, and scroll down to the bottom setting called Multi sound and set it to the on position.
That should disable the feature that pauses audio from a previous source when a new source appears, eg: music playing in the background gets paused by an autoplaying ad on a website
Also specifically with Samsung, there is a setting called separate app sound. With this feature you can have your music play out a Bluetooth sound source while opening a different application and have the sound come out the phone for that.
It's the biggest feature I miss when switching to pixel.
It depends of what is providing the songs. If you play trough YouTube, it'll detect that the device is off and stop the audio stream, but if you're using Spotify or a different audio player, it could help.
It's worth a try
You seem knowledgeable with these workarounds, would you happen to know of a way to bypass ducking?
It's the temporarily lowered volume for notifications etc. I know app developers can choose how to implement this, PowerAmp lets you choose whether to do it or not.
I can't find such a setting for Audible and Spotify, and while navigation prompts are played through my phone (on purpose) it still lowers the music on the car's speakers.
I'm glad newish android versions have a "allow sound from multiple sources" option, now nothing can stop anything I'm listening to but myself.
Before this only Podcast Addict had an option to ignore media pause requests from other apps.
Shit like this is why I'm afraid to move away from Samsung. So many little QoL things and I have no idea if some are stock. Usually only find out once I see them listed as a new android feature.
Samsung has a workaround for this with their sound assistant app. It'll let you both control individual app audio and allow apps to play audio at the same time.
Android isn't and fairly confident ios isn't neither. Apps are made to behave this way because it's generally more convenient. They can ignore it or not trigger it for other apps just fine, like in the case of WhatsApp conversation tones or shutter tones
You may be right. However I think it might also be how most apps are written.
Disclaimer: I am no audio expert nor am I knowledgable enough in mobile OSs to confirm it but I did manage to build myself a ROM for my unsupported phone which led me to see a lot of things under the hood.
The way Android (AOSP) is made, and Im sure the same is true for iOS, easily accessible APIs are made available for devs to implement them without thinking much about how the OS on your phone will handle it. Multiple audio streams are definitely a thing on mobile OSs, for example if I want a Youtube video playing along side a phone call and music, I can. It's just not practical if you're an attention grabber company to let other audio streams interrupt the very important audio that they want you to listen to.
Anyway all in all, you're right that mobile OSs are designed to only let one app access the audio channel because Google wants to keep you on Youtube, all their partners paying for their apps to get on Android want the same thing and I can imagine the same is done on iOS and other manufacturer's OSs.
How do you mention you can play multiple audio streams at the same time and then claim the OS is designed to let only one app access an audio channel / device? Which one is it now? Let's dig a bit deeper into this:
Also, let's not blame everything on the OS vendor being malicious. In most cases, playing multiple audio streams simultaneously would be annoying. In android, you can absolutely play multiple sources simultaneously, and Android will mix everything together and play it.
That being said, starting with API level 31, Android actually started to enforce a concept called audio focus at the system level. That would be around Android version 12. Audio focus is basically a token that can be requested and handed from app to app, and only the app holding the token gets to talk, everything else is faded out.
I'll agree that enforcing this and not making it configurable for the end user was a pretty dumb move, but that was simply a UX decision, not certainly malicious.
If your phone is rooted, you can work around it, e. g. via an xposed module.
It's not really a feature but a side effect of having two audio channels. One is completely dependent on the ringer being on, and the other may only have one app playing on it.
Blame Apple for letting the devs do it, blame the devs for not setting it up the other way around.
Wait, blame Apple for not giving users overrides in settings - I think that’s it. Let devs try to choose the best approach for their app with available options:
Then give users veto power.
(YouTube can keep pausing my music when I start to play a video, for example… 97% of the time that is, I’d very occasionally veto.)
Fuck that, I'm the one in control, I decide when my music stops. When an app does this, it is removed.
I also hate it when an app on my pc thinks it needs to be pulled up in front of the screens I'm working in. I haven't found a way to fix this yet. When you need my attention, send me a notification instead of annexing my entire screen.
When I open Kodi and click on another screen right after clicking it's icon, it opens in the background so it can scan for new media while I finish what I was doing. Like it's supposed to. I click on it whenever I want the screen to be on top.
I hate it when something takes control over something I own. Which is why I'm leaving windows. Can't wait for proper Linux phones. Fuck Microsoft, fuck Google. And no, not fuck Apple, sadomasochists need a place to buy their products too.
Clearly, the Wayland core protocol developers must think exactly like you, because recent versions of Linux (Plasma 6, Ubuntu 22.04, etc) with Wayland have gone waaaaay too far in that direction.
Nothing can ever grab your screen ever. For example, when I click on a link in my messaging app, I get a notification that "Chrome is ready" so I should switch to it. Like... seriously?
Only app I have that does this currently that I know of is fire emblem heroes. Open the app and it has the balls to stop me in the middle of listening to Hampster Dance, on my way to slay every single Lyn in existence.
No, AGI will destroy the world because it doesn't care about our moral values (such as keeping us alive), and an instrumental goal of most goals it could be programmed with is killing us.