I agree, but I have a sneaking suspicion that we see the opposite happen in real time. Conservatism won't just go away. It seems to be on course to take over everything pretty soon. If you're anyone that the right doesn't like, I would seriously start thinking about how to get out of here soon.
I kind of get it, but maybe I also don’t fully understand what trans health care for kids is all about. (I’m not against it btw)
You can’t get a tattoo before you’re 18 because that’s (somewhat) permanent. Does trans care interfere with puberty in a way that’s irreversible?
I also realize what I just typed is probably comparing apples to oranges… maybe the people passing these laws are thinking the kids will grow up and change their minds - does that actually happen? (I doubt it, but just asking because I don’t know.)
Kids under 18 aren't legally able to start hormone therapy or get surgery. The most they can get is puberty blockers and therapy. Ppl who complain about Trans kids changing their mind are full of shit. Everything a minor receives as Trans health care is reasonable, safe, and reversible
Puberty itself is full of irreversible changes. Having puberty blockers available to trans youth is important to prevent their bodies from making changes they don’t want, and is reversible later.
Yeah, you basically nailed it. Trans healthcare for minors , if such a term would need defining would be the reduction of of permanent changes brought on by puberty. Generally, adults who started taking puberty blockers as a kid can either stop taking them later and have a (very likely mostly) normal puberty, or they can start pursuing more permanent changes, like hormone therapy.
A good chunk of the 'debate' is trying to separate normal people into 'not trans' and 'lesser.' What we want is really just comprehensive healthcare- same rules for everyone.
To your last point: trans-affirming surgeries have a vastly lower regret rate than most cosmetic surgeries, which is a very good reason to allow trans adults to choose to pursue them. The people passing these laws want a lower class. at no point does "protect trans children" ever come up in earnest.
That's what I was wondering too and maybe there needs to be more information on what exactly trans care for kids is all about. I honestly have no clue.
Maybe that's a good reason why this shouldn't be a political issue but a medical one decided by experts in the field instead of politicians with influence from the general public.