Enabling genocide is bad. Calling enabling, genocide, is also bad. Be better.
The situation in Palestine has been fucked for decades. It's great to see people finally starting to care. But it's also extremely on brand to see people letting perfect be the enemy of the best we have. In an effort to get the worst possible elected. If you spent half this amount of time railing against the actual fascist people might accidentally think you were American or Genuine. Be better.
Israel has needed a reckoning since basically day one. America has danced around the fact and played defensive older brother for three quarters of a century. All for a "foothold" in the region.
And as a long term senator, vice president, and president. Biden is more culpable than many in Congress. But it still is a Congress problem. The executive branch oversees diplomacy, defense, and execution of law under federal authority. Congress writes the laws, approves aid, and cuts the check. Biden can speed it up, and slow it down. He's done both and is crucified regularly from both ends for doing so. All in an effort I'd call overly diplomatic and undeserved on netanyahu's part.
I got no problem with people expressing disappointment and worse with Biden. I'm not a Democrat. I have no love of the party. I'm not a liberal either. I'm too fringy for most progressives. Fuck the Democrats. But I know, for a fact. January 20th 2025 there's still gonna be a Republican or a Democrat in the whitehouse. And god help us if its a Republican. And by us I mean the world not just Americans. Because things WILL be worse.
I'm all for primarying every single Democrat in upcoming midterm elections etc with Pro Palestinian candidates for the next 20 years. But if we could stop being useful tools for actual fascists. Practicing self harm. Long enough to not hand the actual fascists control of another branch of government. That'd be great. K' thanks bye
Genuine question. I completely agree that Biden is not doing nearly enough. I agree he sucks.
But if we don't vote for biden, trump will win. And if Trump wins, we are completely fucked and he will not only 100% help israel wipe gaza off the map, probably help russia take over ukraine, very possibly deepen the war between europe and russia and he will end democracy in america.
Our trans and other LGBT comrades will be even more oppressed if not outright imprisoned. People of color will face way more harassement and protection against racism, sexism etc in the workplace will be wiped.
The climate will be even more fucked than it already is and set our efforts back several decades.
There will be so much violence and pain. And it is not a hole we can likely climb out of for a very very long time.
When we vote for biden. We are not voting FOR biden. It is a vote against trump and to buy us more time to fight back.
So while i understand hating biden for everything has done and is doing. But we HAVE to keep trump out of the white house.
So my question is, do you not see how important that is?
If you hit snooze on your alarm when you're 2 hours late is your problem solved?
Biden is already more right wing than 2016 Trump. Deferring the problem to 2028 does nothing to solve it.
Israel is already wiping Palestine off the map. They're annexing the entire West Bank right now.
When we vote for biden. We are not voting FOR biden. It is a vote against trump and to buy us more time to fight back.
We heard this in 2020. Nobody is going to fix anything in the meantime as was promised in 2020. It's only going to get worse. A Biden 2024 victory just means going back to sleep and ignore all issues until 2028 when the problem is even worse.
If Biden wants to win he can compromise with the left to win votes. He can compromise before the election instead of after it. If Biden doesn't t want to do that he clearly doesn't believe Trump is as much of a danger as you do.
Yeah so you don't like genocide and believe Biden supports it? Okay whatever.
You must also know that trump supports it. And not only in Palestine but he also wants Russia to take over Ukraine which also seems to be a little genocidal and also completely wrong.
So what's better, 1 genocide or 2?
Not to mention the millions that will die when project 2025 begins. If you think Biden is bad, trump is a million times worse.