No one want to work for my entitled, impossible ass, for poverty wages, under the appalling conditions I force on them as I work them into the ground anymore.
When companies say, "No one wants to work anymore" they mean for them. They don't consider why doing the bare minimum for their employees is a negative when they view every cost as a burden. When they display their "burden" for their employees as a gift given when they do the least they have to.
Actually I did want to work for them, at the wage they were giving me, and then they laid me off because it was their best quarter ever, but things were slowing a little.
Edit: and knowing the state of things in the department I was laid off from, there was an exceptional amount of work that still needed doing, that will never get done with fewer people after the mass layoffs, so those that didn't get laid off will be overworked and or have a never getting anywhere feeling now.
As someone who has worked in kitchens that sometimes didn't have burn cream, I can confirm that mustard and slices of tomatoes do help with burn relief, but usually as a last resort.
Next time you hear about how wealth redistribution wouldn't work, wonder if power distribution would work. What about the power to lobby and influence government policy? What about the power to protect the interests of the people and ensure they are part of a productive society where they share in the profits? That's all people want
Of course, even if the McDonald's budget may have been "realistic" in some areas 10 years ago, I don't think wages have kept up with the rise of prices for rent, groceries, etc in the intervening decade.
For anyone working more than one job, how do you even schedule it? I don’t remember part time jobs as flexible or of even caring about your availability.
My teen has his first job working part time for a discount retailer. They’ve been scheduling him 20 hours per week: clearly not enough to live on if he weren’t home. Four hour shifts times five days, but he’s on different shifts and different days. When he asked for a specific three hour period on two days not working, they didn’t give him hours that week. Now we’re planning a vacation but wonder if they’ll stop giving him hours if he takes a week off. I don’t see how an adult could make this work
That's absolutely intentional. They won't allow you to have more than one job, because they want you dependent on the shit job that they are deining to give you.