The situation is not good. Pretending it's fine is what we did V Hillary.
I noticed the debate had the lowest viewership of any debate in history. It makes me wonder how many people out here telling off people who were concerned actually watched the debate.
I'm not saying we need to pull him out. I'm not saying we don't. I'm just saying we need to fucking come together. We need to stop blindly following our nearest internet silos and take stock in the open market of ideas. We need to be less dismissive. Now more than ever.
Your point still stands but only like half the population is of age to run for president so really it's like 150 million or less. Still a fuck ton of people.
If anyone is basing their vote on that debate, or any single debate, they're not paying enough attention. These two have both had an opportunity to show their intentions in the white house. Anyone still unsure is either lying or not listening
What’s the opposite of eating the onion? When you read something and assume it must be the onion, because it sounds so dumb. Once onion biter, twice shy?
It's from a bit he does about solar powered planes, but everything is old and tired now, so he's just skipping parts like a broken record, or mentally degenerating flesh monster finally in its dying stages.
Laughing at Trump has gotten old for me. He has bottomed out the level of idiocy so much that it's just not funny anymore, almost like real-life flanderisation. If anything, it brings me sadness thinking how half of america is somehow more stupid than this guy.
If this community is going to be just a list of stupid shit Trump is going to say until the elections, I am not sure if I want it in my face every day, especially as a non-american. It must be possible for me to block posts based on words
Edit: At least on Eternity there is such a filter! I shall see nothing about this arsehole anymore
I'm not sure why light would matter, obviously if you're flying you'd use wind over solar, there's so much wind flowing around the planes it'd be a much more available and reliable source of power.
Asked what he thinks about a presidential candidate speaking about batteries this way, Sadoway laughed. “Are we talking about the scientific literacy of any candidate?” he said. “I question the scientific literacy of anybody who’s running for president.” He added: “There are so many battery posers out there who don’t know the cathode from the anode.”
That is an impressive amount of LPS (lies per sentence), even by Trump standards. Some of them have layers, like a nesting doll of lies where each lie has even more lies inside when examined closely.
This is the kind of thing that "makes sense and agrees with my beliefs" to his audience - people who don't fly. His party hammers down on flyover state residents to make them think people in planes are snobs. This keeps them from flying. This keeps them from traveling. This promotes the local echo chambers throwing snowballs at the other side's forts. This is by design.
I’ve seen so many planes grounded for weather at the denver airport. I wonder if his comments have something to do with that, instead of that nonsense theory
Trump is mistakenly equating electric planes with solar powered planes. It's that simple. It was a snarky talking point on fox years ago to say that these planes would only be able to fly when it's sunny. He tends to latch on to fox talking points and then jumble them up when speaking because he doesn't have a very firm understanding of how things work.
Trump's very interesting for all astrophysicists. His brains seems like a black hole. Some say there's a whole new universe in it. Some say it's terrible, no good place to live in, in there. So who's right?
That's a stupid idea. They could just start by flying the plane higher so it's closer to the sun, then the batteries would charge up and they can fly anywhere.
Remember, this is likely going to be the next POTUS.
The guy who is following someone else's plan to get rid and cripple regulatory bodies like the FAA.
Work for the FAA and disagree? That's a secret policing for you, or maybe a public service announcement from the POTUS that he wants you gone. And his rabbid followers will do the rest to you and anyone near you.
Just because there's been an influx of important political news relating to the former president (court decisions, trial delays, etc.) does not mean we need a bunch of "Trump says" articles again.
Its funny, I can not read a single word of that article and confidently say that he didnt suggest that. I can do this so easily because EVERY TIME these stories are exaggerations or directly manufactured stories based on "sources close to trump".