The remaining judges rule that the previous ruling was in error, the President says he was acting under the interpretation of the law at the time, everyone shakes hands and goes home.
For some reason I imagine shirtless ripped Biden walkinging into the supreme court champer ripping a cig and saying "nothing personal, this is just official presidential business." Slipping on some brass knucks and charging into a fray of bodies.
He doesn't even need to do it personally since no one can question his ability to pardon whoever does it. So he could order it or just ask "Won't someone rid me of these troublesome justices?"
Okay so in that case what Biden could do is go ahead and execute all of his political opponents and then if the lower court returns that the ruling of the supreme Court is unconstitutional than the new supreme Court can decide whether or not to uphold that.
To decide if the list of trumps illegal actions are considered official like social media posts. Now that the rule is set to protect anything official Biden only has to put it on white house stationary to make any action legal.
Not possible in the way you think. First of all he wasn't being sued over student loan forgiveness the government was, generally speaking you can't sue the president.
Second the supreme court ruling is about criminal liability, that is/was a civil case.
And lastly of the 400 billion in student loan debt that order would have forgiven the Biden administration has managed to claw back something like 170 billion in loan forgiveness through other means.
Biden should at least go full Office Space and move all of their desks to the basement of the Supreme Court building. Maybe pass an executive order where the justices all have to ride to work together on a special Supreme Court short bus. I'm fine if he keeps it petty but I just hope he does something to show how dumb of a ruling it is (but probably won't).
Article II Section 3 says the president shall take care to execute the laws faithfully. I do not see how a president could issue an official illegal order.