In a scorching dissent to the Supreme Court’s bombshell ruling, the liberal justice wrote that presidents will be able to assassinate a political rival with impunity.
Democrats won’t, they’re too busy “taking the high road”. And by “high road” I mean “bribe big enough to live comfortably in Thailand for the rest of their lives”
That's a personal problem. The people paying attention and most at risk have been arming themselves since 2015. LGBTQ, Black, and Hispanic gun ownership are the fastest rising ones. Trailing them is more white people, whos rate of gun ownership is also rising, just slower. Eveyones been buying more guns.
I don't own guns. I own glass bottles. They are far more effective weapons when wielded correctly. A single glass bottle can do more damage than a thousand bullets.
Are we really still talking about how Clinton being one of the least popular politicians to run for president took it upon herself to tank a must win election? Really? I need this talking point to find its place in a grave. This is stupid.
Everyone knew Trump was a trainwreck. Clinton was so unpopular that people stayed home. She snubbed key states against campaign advice. She sucks. And she lost democracy for the US. We didn't owe Clinton a vote. Clinton needed people to vote for her. She didn't do enough to earn the votes. I voted for her begrudgingly. But Democrats turned their knives on Bernie harder than they did against Trump. And it turned a lot of people off from voting. At least Biden did some semblance of appeasement for the left populist wing of the Democrats in the first election.
If she's so concerned, she should resign. Let Biden nominate her replacement.
By staying on, she's basically signalling she doesn't care about the court going 7-2 after she drops dead during Trump's second term. No lessons learned from the RBG fiasco. What's the point of writing these long eloquent dissents that never end up swaying anything?
As i recall either Manchin or Sinena already came out and said the would not approve a justice in an election year. Having her resign now will be a repeat of the Garland nomination
She should resign, as one of the few level headed justices on SCOTUS? What kind of logic is that? You know she's not a conservative justice, right? Like... I can't think of any other reason you'd think this is a good idea, and during an election year no less. I see way less trolling on Lemmy than I did on reddit, but I'd like to believe this is trolling and not the actual opinion of a legitimate American voter.
She should keep fighting the good fight while we hope for a couple of justices to die or be impeached soon so we can fix the balance of SCOTUS.
SC justices are appointed by the president and confirmed by the senate. Both are currently held by the democrats, the latter narrowly. Both are likely to flip next year. Sotomayor is over 70, diabetic, and travels with a medic.
If she wanted to do the right thing for the causes she believes in, she should have resigned during the past one or two years. Biden would have been able to replace her with a younger, equally liberal justice. But she didn't and probably won't, so if she dies anytime in the next 4 years (or 8 years if the Rs win the presidential election after that) then the court goes 7-2 and will remain conservative-dominated for decades.
Conservatives would never confirm a new justice under Biden or any non-conservative president. There will never be bipartisan confirmations again in our lifetimes. The next justices will be forced through by whichever side has such power.