Quite like the way that iOS handles it now. The only sites alllowed to request to send notifications are ones you have added to your Home Screen as PWAs
I've done tech support for a few elder relatives, and most of them have a wall of browser notifications to a bunch of random crap, because they say yes to every popup that appears 🤦♂️
It's pretty concerning that their first reaction to a random question is yes....
They're useful in some cases. I used to use the Twitter website (PWA) and it was nice to get notifications without having to install the full bloated app. I use them for forums and web-based chat (like TheLounge IRC client), too
Just another type of popup I have my ad/script blockers block. As much as I hate that, I hate sites that don't even let you back the fuck out properly even more.
CBS News, which is often shared on aggregates like this and Reddit, was one of the worst. I've had shady scam/porn sites that were easier to go back/close than CBS's god damn website.
I suppose I must have at some point lol. Chrome doesn't list it specifically but I did have website notifications on. I guess another solution would be let them finish deleting my account for inactivity 😂
One thing to remember in the future, is that recent versions of Android let you long-press on a notification(or half-drag in some modded OEM versions) and it'll tell you what App sent that notification, and even give you options to disable that specific notification or all notifications from that app in general.
I've literally never even seen a website notification. I wasn't aware they were a thing that existed. I imagine if you follow these simple steps, you too can enjoy the internet without fear.
Web apps and removed? This isn't the first comment I've seen with "removed" randomly in the middle of a sentence. Are mods censoring comments or something?
I hate how awful yet ubiquitous it is. Depending on your demographic, not having it can mean you miss out on a lot of pop culture and sort of get left behind.
I'm probably in the like 2nd most targeted demographic, so all my friends are on TT and all the trending things related to our hobbies are on there. I constantly feel left out because I'm missing 99% of the content. And it's hard because I want to have dumb conversations about pop culture and hobbies with my friends, but I refuse to download it. It makes me so sad. It's very isolating
I dont have TT. I also don't have Snapchat. Therefore, I also don't have friends, or have any clue what is going on in the lives of those around me or the pop culture of my generation.
It is a lonely existence, but I refuse to get either of those apps. People have my number. If they actually cared, they could return my texts.
Assuming you have a phone which skies allows you to deny permissions on an app-level, what is preventing you from browsing it? Is it political? Job related (ie your only device is a work device)?
While you can easily let it feed you crap, you have a reasonable ability to tune what the algo feeds you. Unless you really do have a self control issue, which is legit/fair reading to avoid the temptation.
I didn't install it on my new phone and itmakes me feel like something is missing. That algorithm is so damn addictive. Also miss the recipes on there.
I shouldve screenshot it too but it looked like it came from the app and I don't have any emails from them. It looked real enough that I went to my notification settings to turn it off but I forgot I uninstalled it a while ago. I'm really confused because I didn't think websites could send notifications through chrome
Open the Chrome menu, go to Settings > Site Settings > All Sites. Check if you have Tiktok in there, click the site and you'll see a Clear & reset button. Clicking the button should remove any notifications from the site coming from Chrome.
So I don’t know how this works on Android, but maybe you can try re-installing the app? On iOS the push token changes for each install of the app. Super weird that can happen…
I've got around 300 open on my phone (Firefox for Android) and 1400 on my work PC (Firefox on Windows)... I need to close the one day. Some might have important stuff open in them though!
Sign up to Anonaddy, instead of giving out your real email addresses use aliases.
That way when companies pull this shit you just deactivate the alias.