Some seven years in the making, the Eclipse Foundation's Theia IDE project is now generally available, emerging from beta to challenge Microsoft's similar Visual Studio Code editor, with which it shares much tech.
The Eclipse foundation has been making alternatives to VS Code's "killer apps" (Docker, Python, Go, C++, SSH, Live share, etc). AKA the closed source ones exclusive to VS Code offical that make all forks of VS Code a huge downgrade. The Eclipse foundation is also running the extension store that powers VS Codium.
"why not just use VS Codium?" (With the killer extensions made by Eclipse)
VS Codium is great, but because of manpower limits, they always have to be "downstream" of VS Code. They can't rewrite any of the core systems.
As someone who contributes to VS Code, and loves VS Codium, many issues I have with VS Code have been open on github for +7 years, with hundreds of comments and thumbs-ups. We can't even sort the file explorer view by last-edited and folders-first (but we can do folders-first alphabetical). Thats been open since 2017.
Theia looks like it could finally be the hard fork I've been waiting for. A hackable editor, trying to be open source, where all my extensions work, and the community can actually make a PR, get it merged, and extensions are not excessively sandboxed.
Will it be that? Only time will tell, but the Eclipse foundation has a pretty good record. They're definitely prepared for long term support.
I feel like VS Code is in a very weird place right now.
To just be productive, you need a ton of plugins and often enough these don't really solve all the problems you might have.
For example, there's no "java dev" package, instead you have to install a meta-package plus a bunch of other random crap, half of which don't really work out of the box.
Or, if you want to use the advanced features, you have to live with weird constraints and bugs. The UI isn't really designed to incorporate more advanced plugins and the plugins themselves often don't work as expected. For example, for some reason, if you connect to a remote host, the java LSP needs the java home dir to be in the same path on both machines, which is just weird.
For a text editor it's way too bloated, but for an IDE it's way to barebones. The days of the nimble and fast advanced editor are gone,
There's a black python extension (only downloaded it following a django tutorial) and it did nothing it was supposed to. So I'm not sure what it's intentions were.
I use lazyvim and this is my experience in neovim as well. I don't think it's a weird place, it just puts the onus on the end-user to tailor their experience.
I meant native as in non-web. There are plenty of cross-platform GUI toolkits out there that don't use JavaScript. Some of them native-looking even. But more than the looks, it's about performance.
Fleet is pretty good, it's almost like a combination of the existing jetbrains products (but some features are missing). However, it's not open source so I probably won't be using it.
You can compile it yourself to run it on Linux. You will need to install some dependencies and there are still some issues. For example; my monitors kept disconnecting when the application was open.
It seems to be built on the same components as VScode and VScodium. Honestly, I don't see the point... yeah, sure, they want their editor to work on the web, but couldn't they have don't that with a GUI lib that compiles to WASM?
It feels like it's only for open source purists aka a minority.
I feel like browser support is such a niche. I don't understand why many IDEs dedicate so many resources to make it work on the browser. There are already many options to code on the web if you need it.
Pretty sure it’s to enable extensions written in JS. These apps build their success on a rich ecosystem of plugins. And, like it or not, JS plays a big part in that.
Yeah I agree, it seems to be built on the same components as VScode and VScodium. Honestly, I don't see the point... yeah, sure, they want their editor to work on the web, but couldn't they have don't that with a GUI lib that compiles to WASM?
Yeah I agree, it feels like it's only for open source purists aka a minority.
You have to follow the attribution and share-alike parts of the license. Otherwise you'll have the same consequences as an AI company would scraping it (still zero).
This is their "light IDE" basically, the equivalent of VS Code. Their Java IDE is the full thing, well, Eclipse. Although I personally prefer IntelliJ IDEA.
I'll wait and see if they manage to get embedded system debugging to work properly. What I've seen in the past has been a pain in the you-know-what in that regard, showing clearly that their main focus was PCs.
I'm a die hard Microsoft hater. I haven't had windows installed on a pc in years. With that being said I use visual studio code because it's kind of the only text editor that does code completion in the capacity that it does. I can take a class name, type a "." after it and a scroll view opens up shows every accessible member of that class along with comments and information about all the variables. The amount of time this saves is so huge I don't even know how you would quantify it. Nothing else has code completion that even comes close to being that good.
Do non visual studio code users just have to memorize every single function, parameter and return type in their code base? Yeah you can always read the documentation, sure you can always dig through the source code to figure it out but that takes valuable time.
If they ever put visual studio code behind a paywall or stop making it for Linux, I'm going to be forced to either switch to windows (which I never will under any circumstances) or make a custom made ripoff clone of that entire intellisense code completion system and hack it into whichever open source text editor I deem is the next best thing.
Huh? Every IDE has had this feature for decades. Eclipse, all of JetBrains products, even NetBeans. This is like the most basic feature provided by IDEs.
Also with the development of first party language servers it’s relatively easy for new IDEs to integrate.
Well I'm glad I made that comment because now I know there's ways to do this that aren't Microsoft related. Looks like I have some text editor experimentation to do.
Wouldn't call it trash but personally after trying it a couple times it seemed like it took as long to config as neovim while also not being nearly as hackable (probably is more extensible though being a GUI). For that amount of time I'd rather use something with larger benefits like an IDE