The article highlights a growing crisis where more older adults in Canada, particularly in Toronto, are experiencing homelessness and relying on shelters. Doctors and shelter workers report a significant rise in seniors seeking shelter due to housing affordability challenges and health crises. The existing shelter system is struggling to meet the complex needs of aging individuals, leading to calls for better collaboration between health, housing, and community services. The issue underscores a broader housing crisis impacting vulnerable older populations, urging for targeted support and policy interventions.
Canada probably just needs to privatize a few more things, loosen regulations on the poor corporations and weaken education. At least, that's what we're trying in the US to "fix" our issues.
It's working spectacularly for our robber barons, but housing affordability across the country looks like Toronto, our adult literacy rate is 75% with reading levels for those that can read at a 6th grade level back when that meant something, our voting participation rate is below 50%, and 50 people control the wealth more than the bottom 330 million.
Yes, working spectacularly if you only watch S&P500
Canadians are too ignorant to ever get behind that. Everyone I've talked with (trades, management, factory labour) thinks that UBI would take money out of their pocket and give it to the lazy and undeserving, despite the fact that many of them would benefit from it.
But these are the same people that think all teachers are lazy, overpaid, babysitters and public transit is a waste of money.
Fixed incomes + sudden rise in prices of everything = homelessness (or starvation or freezing to death, take your pick). The senior demographic includes a disproportionate number of the poor as well as the wealthy. As with so many things, this is disgusting but not surprising.