Just made coffee using freshly ground beans for the first time (was using pre ground coffee powder this whole time). Goddayum is it like having something else entirely!!! It's so sooo smooth and butter-ey?
This is going to make my mornings a lot more special now!
If it lasts/has lasted more than 24 hours, get to a doctor!
I fought bad "heartburn" for 5 days. Turned out, I was having a heart attack. On day 5 the damage was already done and I had to have open heart surgery.
I'm sorry. Do you know why? I was having a lot of stomach probs, finally got into a GI and it was ulcers from taking nsaids. Meds, plus cutting back on aleve and alcohol helped.
Responsibilities keep piling up, but I currently lack the necessary tools to do anything about most of them, which has me in a state of constant minor anxiety.
On the other hand, I just ate a tasty sandwich, so that was nice. Also, my doggo is snoring right around the corner and the sound is so funny, I love it.
Coffee has no effect on me after I've severely overconsumed it. I still drink it amply out of habit. The hisses and drips of the machine remind me of better times. Thanks for the encouragement!
Some car horn in the neighborhood must have a malfunction or else some dickhead is just blowing it for long stretches all night long. I'm exhausted today as a result. If I hear that again I will stalk the street until I figure it what car it is and call the bylaw office.
I'm a bit upset at my GI's office, I was supposed to have a follow up appointment with them on May, then they rescheduled it for August due to a conflict with the doctor's schedule, and now they've called me again to say they need to reschedule it again for the same reason...
I would love to switch doctors, but there aren't many GIs in the area that I live (that I haven't already been to, its been a horrendous battle) - missed their call so I'm not sure how far out the scheduling is now, but I wouldn't be surprised if its nothing sooner than October...
So, I'm off to a great start today. Hopefully that is the only negative thing that occurs today.