On Sunday, a group of 250 Iranian legislators introduced a motion that requires the administration to designate the Canadian Army and federal police forces as terrorist organizations.
Historically speaking, from an indigenous perspective, the characterization of the RCMP as terrorist is not too far off the mark.
It's a stupid political label as long as our nastiest friends are worse than our nicest enemies. Nobody's about to declare Saudi anything terroristic regardless of how many get chopped up, for example.
On Sunday, a group of 250 Iranian legislators introduced a motion that requires the administration to designate the Canadian Army and federal police forces as terrorist organizations.
That's some exceptional watering down of the word terrorist you're participating in there. Keep going and your both-sides-ing will make it so the IDF's actions don't seem abnormal at all!
Terrorism is any act that uses violence or fear of violence for a political goal. This is what militaries do, if you threaten them they use violence to suppress or kill you. Some of them are more successful than others, but fundamentally whether it’s a group of rebels or the military of a nation state, they use violence to force everyone within their controlled territory to submit to their authority.
You're being down voted, but I want to add in that terrorism is a word used by the ruling class to tell you who to hate. When the state (usually, although this case didn't exempt them) uses violence and fear, that's the good kind of violence and fear. When a non-state actor uses it, it's terrorism. The only thing that separates "justified force" from "terrorism" is if the ruling class wants you to like it or not. For example, look at what the IDF is doing. It somehow isn't terrorism just because they're a state who's in favor with the ruling class?