What email masking service do you recommend ?
What email masking service do you recommend ?
What email masking service do you recommend ?
I use SimpleLogin, since it comes with my Proton subscription and integrates with BitWarden.
That's also my setup. I like that Bitwarden lets you generate aliases on the fly provided you entered your API key. Otherwise the Simple Login app is also very convenient.
Anonaddy with bitwarden integration. I went with them over Simplelogin for the price.
Bitwarden integration. Tell me more
Works the same way as the others mentioned here.
Simplelogin with proton pass. With proton pass it couldn't be easier (aside from a keyboard integration)
Anonaddy, I've been using it for a few years.
I use Firefox Relay, I use the paid version but the free version is good too
I use this too - why was this downvoted? Is there something we're missing with Relay?
Spam Gourmet. The main feature is that for each alias you set the maximum number of emails to be forwarded before dumping them to /dev/null.
Same here. Really usefull
Buy a domain with privacy whois. Host email somewhere (zoho, mailbox.org or the likes). Use the domain as a catch-all address. Profit.
I use a generic custom domain. Like @tangomail.com. I’ve enabled catch-all on that domain and create aliases on the fly.
Prior to that I’ve used Simple Login, AnonAddy and DuckDuckGo E-mail Protection. I’ve used DDG the longest, and the only thing I miss was a dashboard.