Samuel Alito’s Mysterious Absence From Supreme Court Raises Questions
Samuel Alito’s Mysterious Absence From Supreme Court Raises Questions
Why is the Supreme Court justice missing from the bench two days in a row?

CaptainSpaceman Hes dead but they'll parade his corpse until elections
34 1 Replysnekerpimp Has to go on that trip to that island that he was gifted.
27 1 ReplyTolookah That tracks, he gets an island, Thomas gets a bus where he's supposed to hang out in the back of.
5 0 ReplyAlexstarfire Lake Laogai?
2 0 Reply
rayyy Probably on another luxury vacation to relax from all the stress, and refill his bank account.
17 0 ReplyGlowstick Don't get your hopes up, this kind of thing happens sometimes
15 0 Replycabron_offsets Fingers crossed for good news.
11 0 ReplyFuglyDuck
I’m just going to hope that FratBoiBret introduced him to boofiing and Alito is recovering from alcohol poisoning.
Maybe he won’t recover…
9 1 ReplyEvacuateSoul Went to live with Scalia
7 1 ReplyPunnyName Maybe he "fell" on a flag pole.
6 1 Replykrelvar Weekend at Sammy's
5 1 ReplyMaeve He's still rendering opinions.
2 1 Replynilloc Maybe his wife is doing that for him too now.
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