I was looking at the firefox flatpak on flathub. Won't this warning make a non tech-savy user anxious? This might make them think they'll get a virus or something like that.
Imagine your friend that does not know anything about linux, don't you think this would make them not install the firefox flatpak and potentially think that linux is unsafe?
I ask this because I believe we must be careful and make small changes to welcome new users in the future, we have to make them as much comfortable as possible when experimenting with a new O.S
I believe this warning could have a less alarming design, saying something like "This app can use elevated permissions. What does this mean?" with the "What does this mean?" text as a clickable URL that shows the user that this may cause security risks. I mean, is kind of a contradiction to have "verified" on the app and a red warning saying "Potentially unsafe", the user will think "well, should I trust this or not??"
I like flatpaks and flathub, but this is just something they do badly. I think as well they also have "probably safe" which is just as unhelpful... And what does "access certain files and folders" even mean!?
I think they should just follow the example of every other app store; list the permissions in an easily understandable list and let the user decide whether or not they are comfortable with it.
I think they should just follow the example of every other app store; list the permissions in an easily understandable list and let the user decide whether or not they are comfortable with it.
Totally agree. The "verified" label will give new users enough comfort, and the ones who wish to know more will read the permissions.
When I look at Firefox in Discover, it only shows the list of permissions the flatpak will be given out of the box, with no warning of it being "potentially unsafe." This certainly does seem like the better way to handle it.
Also, the warning on the Flathub website is clickable - it expands into the full permissions list. Why it defaults to "no information except maybe dangerous" is beyond me.
In my opinion, those warnings are not used to help users but to shame developpers for not trully sandboxing and verifying their apps.
Developpers know that having this warning will decrease the number of users downloading it.
The goal in the long run is to improve app sandboxing and security.
By not letting the user import/export addon settings, bookmarks?
Btw, i hate the opinion that the dev must babysit his users. It makes software worse, not better, look at Firefox's profille folder for an example. If you have to, make an intro to train them.
Yes but surely you're aware that even the most new-user-friendly distros and their tools aren't necessarily aimed at new users.
That warning is a perfect example of how Linux developers choose which hill to die on. They post a warning for an app that everyone knows can deliver bad times to two camps of users; those that know and don't care and those that don't understand the warning. If we could quantify the helpfulness of that warning, odds are that it saved 0 users from malicious action from that avenue of attack.
Never expect Linux as a whole to be "helpful" to the new crowd.
In defense of this warning, when I first put my application on Flathub, I had it because of how file i/o worked (didn't support XDG portals, so needed home folder access to save properly). It did actually motivate me to get things working with portals to not request the extra permissions and get the green "safe" marker.
A lot of apps will always be "unsafe" because they do things that requires hardware access, though, so I could see them wanting something more nuanced.
those warnings on mint and flathub are so ridiculous, there's no difference between those and official ones, somebody could just as easily put something nefarious in any flatpak
No. If you put a warning on every app (except for the most trivial ones that don't actually do anything useful) then the warnings mean nothing. The become something more than ass-covering legal(ish) BS.
They should not be worried, they should be educated.
If you worry a new user enough they'll go back to Windows or Apple because there's less scary warnings there.
We need to make the transition as pain free as possible. Learning about the joys of kernel compilation and SELinux can come later.
The first step is "Hey, this is as usable as Windows, without stupid ads in the start menu.
If "nearly every app" that people already use suddenly has a big warning on it, people will quickly decide the warnings are meaningless and start ignoring them, like Prop 65 warnings. Congratulations, we've moved the needle backwards.
You have to meet people where they're at. I finally switched to Linux when MS introduced a feature I wanted no part in (Recall AI), but I would have given up within a day or two if the transition hadn't been basically seamless. I was able to pick up right where I left off, using all the same apps I did on Windows except MusicBee RIP, but now I'm in a better position than before, on an open-source OS instead of closed-source. Now there's a little less friction between me and better, freer software.
If you use Debian-based linux (Ubuntu, Minut, others), Mozilla recommends getting the package directly from their respository rather than flatpak or other repos.
Personally, I saw a major performance increase on my low-powered laptop when I switched from flatpak to the Mozilla package.
"Verified" doesn't mean too much to privacy advocates. There have been incidents. I indeed want to check what my app is going to access before installing it.
Just reminding folks that just because it's flatpak'd, doesn't mean it's sandboxed. But they probably should add some general click here for more info.
I think it's absurd that most distros have no tools whatsoever for doing regular checksums of their own files. Windows certainly got that part right IMO.
I’m double checking this myself now, but there are plenty of tools (debsum) they’re just not part of the default implementation as of last time I looked.
beyond root processes, none that I am aware of. Hence I configured all my internet applications and steam to run in a jail :) firejail & bubblewrap come as native packages, unlike the flatpak contents
I'm a firm believer that regardless of operating system that a warning message saying that installing something could cause harm to your device definitely makes people think twice about installation if they're not tech savvy (AKA know more than the bare minimum anymore). It's definitely intentional that the large companies responsible scare you away from doing the things you want because they want you locked into doing things the way they want.
To be fair, the fact that browsers are allowed to do so much that this warning has to be shown is more an indictment on the current state of browsers (which at this point are almost like installing VMWare and a virtual machine on your computer!) than on something something Firefox or something something Flatpak.
I mean yes, how exactly would you want the web to work? In order for it to be secure we need website code to run in an isolated environment. Modern web browsers have gotten pretty good at this.
Though we say it's a JavaScript Virtual Machine it's not the kind of virtual machine you are thinking of. It just means it's being interpreted in a certain environment rather than compiles code running natively. It's not like a whole OS. Running a web browser in a Virtual Machine is unironically a method to improve security; checkout Qubes OS for an example.
Also the permissions it's asking for aren't that serious. Basically GPU access and download folder access.
I mean yes, how exactly would you want the web to work?
Text and images and hyperlinks; maybe audio and video if you're lucky and you can prove you can be trusted. No such thing as scripting, or if it's allowed, only in a limited manner with no such thing as "eval" and obfuscation and no ability to add or delete nodes from the DOM (or if it's allowed, those nodes must reflect under View Source / CTRL+U). No such things as loading a javascript audioplayer that tries to mix 123456 weird sources, just link me the .m3u direct to the audio stream's .mp3 file, or even better an .opus.
Definitively no DRM.
If any such thing as GPU access is provided it should be to deposit data, not to run code.
pretty standard compared to OSs like Android and iOS. i think the mobile OSs, at least recently, have done better at this; they don’t ask for permission until they need it. want to import bookmarks? i need file system access for that. want to open your webcam? i need device access. doing it all upfront leads to all the problems mentioned in this thread: unclear as to why, easy to forget what access you’ve given, no ability to deny a subset of options, etc.
Chrome being worse than Firefox doesn't make Firefox's default telemetry, adware, and DoH to cloudflare good. When the bar is Chrome, essentially any browser passes.
Telemetry you can't easily disable (requires modifying about:config, can change on update), Glean (nastier than anything in chrome), DoH to cloudflare, pocket (adware), Anonym.