However I do work for a company that has in vehicle cameras and DEAR GOD does it cut down on incidents. We kept having issues with drivers just doing dumb little things to try and save time. like knocking the shifter into neutral and pulling on the handbrake instead of pressing the button on the shifter and moving it into park. Just to be clear, the company has a really lax time/delivery expectation. If you work at a safe, reasonable pace and dont fuck up nobody gets upset with you. But senior management did the math that each driver had to drag out an extra 2 hours a day for it to cost us more than what we spent on compo/vehicle repairs the year before. Once the van had a camera, we saw a 70% reduction in incidents in the following 12 months.
You're downvoted, but honestly, I understand what you're saying.
My friends all think it's fine to text and drive, even in their employers vehicles. If there was a camera, guaranteed they'd stop texting and driving and become way safer.
People don't like it, obviously. I'd hate being watched. But there's no doubt it cuts down on accidents.
Yeah, I work at a company that makes these kinds of cameras. Drivers hate them, but it really does enforce safe driving habits. This makes the roads a safer place, like it or not.
Someone I know is a dispatcher for a company that delivers for Amazon. He says that the management there piles on the deliveries in a way that he doesn't think it's possible for any of their drivers to do the full thing in the time allotted. Every day drivers come in 30-90 minutes late not being paid overtime, and he also has to stay because he has to stay until the last van is back.
I'm sorry, who's surprised the company notorious for tracking employee bathroom breaks is actively monitoring their employees?
Amazon is the absolute scum of the earth when it comes to how they demand and expect productivity from their workers. Being harassed because you took 10 minutes to shit in a 10 hour shift that wasn't your break or lunch is an every day occurrence.
It's odd, the words "employee" and "employees" gets used here pretty often, but Amazon itself goes through a lot of effort to have people as contractors. I know, employees of the contractor.....but still. These gig jobs are just a great way to shift liability and evade responsibility by the company itself. "We tell you exactly what, where, and how you do everything you do....but you're not one of us"
Well, at least we can all rest assured that all the driver monitoring cameras/tech that's being build by default into new consumer cars and trucks will only ever be used for safety.
I'm so glad I have a career where I'll never have to worry about crap like this. I'd love to see how the higher ups would like it if they had to be on camera the whole day with AI watching them for mistakes/phone usage.
Amazon is a very very large company, completely sealing up something like that would be next to impossible.
Note this doesn’t meant they shouldn’t try, only that I personally recognize the scope of the issue at hand.
Hopefully they find the source of these leaks soon though and patch up their privacy better for the drivers sake, but it’s very likely it’s just another Amazon worker leaking these.