It's basically a bunch of battle videos combined in order.
Some of the writing is not ideal, and I know from familiarity with the subject matter that there were some errors and omissions. However, what I really like about the Kings and Generals visualizations is that instead of throwing old war footage or a talking head or some 3D render up, they spend their whole time looking at a map and showing how things play out on it, which provides for a much more useful sense of geography. Almost every one of the handful of war documentary makers that I really like does the same thing.
I watched a very interesting documentary ElDorado: Everything the Nazis Hate about the gay and trans community in 1920's/1930's Berlin and what happened when the Nazis took power.
And for some more lighthearted fun, Glamorous about a gender non-conforming queer person making their way in a glamorous MakeUp company. I super enjoyed watching Miss Benny as the main character and would really like to see more of her.