Haven’t been here in a while, feel a bit fomo with the fun topics on relationships I’m too late to comment on, but also, so good to see the community up and going! Reddit and DT just don’t feel the same anymore
I have not check/log into Reddit for a week, but I set up daily email digests so I can see trending posts in 5 subs. Agree that the vibe has changed in the main sub.
sigh made a news post about a certain politician, but deleted it in the end. I found out that he has a track record of cancelling people by contacting abang PDRM to have people and their family arrested for online comments.
I don't want to bring unwanted attention to this instance, nor do i want to sit in Lokap and makan maggi Kari or whatever lokap cuisine they serve there. i most certainly will be too broke to pay for bail also.
malaysia's protection of free speech is extremely poor, there is no human rights charter, and there aren't enough litigious Kyles and Karens living in Malaysia that challenge the constitutional validity of laws that impede free speech for fun so much so that each public organisations (especially police) always have to keep an entire department of lawyers to mitigate the risk of acting beyond what's acceptable. one wrong comment you will really end up in lokap.
Yeah. I have already decided that when i'm ready to do that kinda of thing, it'll be through another instance that is never logged in except through tor, and never left logged in on any device. Lemmy is more dangerous than reddit that way.
Ridiculous. putting more effort than having a porn alt.
Device can still be tracked. Case in point - reddit permanently device banned me, when authorities compel they will happily give users information to them.
Im new to Lemmy, May I know what makes Lemmy so unsafe?
Heard the Nijigen Expo artist alleys didn't do very well?
I was fairly busy on Saturday so I couldn't attend. I did consider going on Sunday but when I saw the admission price, I just noped. I can understand the pricing, looking at the guests they brought in. But as someone who's only interested in artist alleys, it's too pricey!
I think most people who went were cosplayers and people who went for the guests. The price is just too crazy. The previous Nijigen at bukit jalil was much cheaper.
I got pretty good hauls at the previous Nijigen and road to animangaki so I'm satisfied for now haha. Gotta zip my wallet tight anyway ><
I had a millipede infestation at one point too, although they are harmless to mature plants, I noticed that I wasn’t able to germinate any seeds when they were around. I believe they eat sensitive seedlings (though maybe larger seedlings will be ok)
Hmm, yeah they do chomp on those too, since seedling is softened it'vs easier to be eaten. But i usually just germinate in the tray before transplant so i didn't have this problem.
i'm one of the "lucky" one to be diagnosed with Rosacea, then I saw that my dad has it and my cousin has it as well. probably runs in the family.
my dad keeps saying its shingles, and he keeps going to this folk medicine place to treat it. they snap this rubber band at your ears and saying it kills the "snake". He has pustules, papules and the bulbous noise, then also blame it on yeet hei.
As it ticks every single Rosacea box, GP told him it's rosacea, and referred him to dermatologist. my old man : NOOOO IT'S A COMBINATION OF YEET HEI AND SHINGLES, can only be treated by eating "cold" food and folk medicine for shingles!
Rosacea no med, only has a topical steroid cream that works for a day and you apply daily praying that it would go away.
Apparently doctors don’t even know what’s causing rosacea. On women symptoms are better but on man it’s really a very annoying disease, make you look like a monke on heat.
after experiencing loose steering feel i took the CX3 to bengkel, they sort of adjusted the steering rack (for free) and now it's a bit better. the slackness of the steering disappeared somewhat, but the unnatural vagueness is still there.
still knocks a bit if saw the wheel. It will also torque steer under moderate throttle, and i still don't think it's normal but if i drive regularly and let the car settle before pushing it then it's ok.
that said the EPS on the CX3 is surprisingly quite good if you ignore the vagueness, especially when under load. I could also feel the road as it responds to lumps and bumps. The body control is decent if you are willing to be patient and let the chassis settle when pushing.