I mean, they weren’t truly toilet paper rolls, just similar shape, size, and material. These were waxed on the inside to prevent them from dissolving once you put ice cream in them.
It was just a packaging thing, supposed to keep the ice cream from melting down your hand while you held it on a stick. As you ate, you'd slide the tube down and push more ice cream out of the top.
Yeah I get the concept and all, I did have those pushpip candies the odd time. Same premise, I just thought someone took the icecream from the normal tubs/boxes, filled the liter toilet paper roll then refroze it. Didn't suspect it was company mass produced things.
Which is ridiculous because it's really inarguable that between cassettes, CDs, vinyl and digital music, cassettes are by far the lowest quality. No amount of Dolby noise reduction is going to get rid of the hiss entirely either.
One big problem I've always had with cassettes is due to the nature of how cassettes work, the sound literally slows down as the battery in the player gets lower.
I really should know how they figured out how to do this what with going to school for audio engineering when cassettes were still around, but at some point, they figured out a way to get walkmen to just stop working when the battery was too low instead of slowing down.
But yeah, because of that, occasionally music at the right speed sounds too fast for me, especially classical music.
Are they really any cheaper to produce these days than CDs? I would think, now being a niche market, they would be more expensive. Supporting a local artist is always good, obviously.
I need to see some branding on this thing..never once seen thing before. Maybe my parents were just more frugal with their money?
Saw Flintstones, confirmed this wasn't some home made thing. 100% the reason we didn't get this stuff. Just cost too much for what it was, and is one of the contributing factors to why I have a house these days, I suspect. Thanks mom.