azvasKvklenko Like a SteamDeck vent exhaust?
68 0 ReplywhereBeWaldo Dude does the smell ever go away? I bought mine recently and I hated it first but now I love it.
19 0 ReplyBgugi I don't think it ever "goes away," it just refines over time, like a fine wine.
28 0 ReplyIDew I've had mine for almost 2.5 years and it still smells like it. Good thing, as I cannot get enough of it
20 0 Reply
The sweet smell of cancer
10 1 Reply
Oh yeah that activates my trap card
57 0 ReplyScheisser I put on my wizard robe and hat
39 0 ReplyPotatos_are_not_friends I cast Lvl 3 Eroticism. You turn into a real beautiful woman.
16 0 ReplyChowJeeBai Never gets old
6 0 Reply
New fiction genre: Nerd Noir.
26 0 ReplyMewtwoLikesMemes
That's just called "slashfic".
2 0 Reply
That summons my Dark Magician.
14 0 ReplyJubei Kibagami My kuriboh needs the rest of this.
9 0 ReplyMewtwoLikesMemes
Hey! I don't wanna hear about your hairy balls!
3 0 Reply
Pope-King Joe
Someone is writing smut for Charlie.
Although I guess right now it'd be Magic instead of Yu-Gi-Oh.
5 0 ReplySam_Bass Unless its that time of the month then it can resemble wet pennies
1 0 Reply