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Lib or fool's guide to anticolonialism (or why you should support anyone but the west no matter what)

So you are a lib. You care about women. You care about LGBTQ. You care about minorities. Fine.

Questions. Do YOU specifically command the US military and NATO militaries? No. Do they fight like you want them to fight? No. How many women or trans people or queer people have they liberated with their bombs? Or did they just... End lives of civilians indiscriminately?

If you stop supporting NATO and American militarism, then potentially, reactionary forces that cant POSSIBLY muster the amount of destruction like the USA may rise. This may blunt social progressive things... But like how you cant command the US army, neither can you convince or control how other countries forge their futures if they had peace from imperialism.

If you are a human rights lib; you have no reason to support NATO. All they do is kill women, queer folks, and children and sometimes reactionary men.

You dont have to have opinions on other countries. NATO is not a civilizing force and you dont have the power to make that the case. If you are a human rights lib, then it's okay to disavow NATO and the USA. You cant shoulder the responsibility of inaction since the only means of REAL critique and influence against other countries is sanctions or military intervention... Neither of which gives you or the people you pretend to care about the freedom you want or the safety. Only the dissolution of colonialism is it even REMOTELY possible that human rights can begin to be realized at all.