A cool guide about the meaning of life according to different schools of philosophy.
A cool guide about the meaning of life according to different schools of philosophy.
A cool guide about the meaning of life according to different schools of philosophy.
Nihilist here. Everyone acts like it's sad or depressing (or fully unhinged/hedonistic), but I've personally found it to be freeing.
All meaning is a subjective experience, a transient feeling/thought combination. In other words, an illusion. A pile of chemicals and neural connections that can be synthesized in a relatively formulaic way, just look at pop music, romance novels, action movies, etc.
I still have ideals, personal convictions, opinions, hopes and dreams, I'm just no longer caught up in the illusion that any of it objectively matters, regardless of how I feel.
We're just smart meat puppets, and that's OK.
If nothing matters then nothing matters. It's so freeing!
Found my way there but have taken the path of absurdism. It has changed my life.
My stance regarding nihilism is this: nothing matters, so no thing mattering doesn't matter. In other words, nothing matters, so what?
Colours are mostly indistinguishable. I'm not colourblind.
Determinism doesn't really say that tho, it just says that events are predetermined, not that you must accept that or that doing so is the meaning of life. You can just as well be predetermined to not accept it
That's exactly it. Determinism is the idea that all the various forces of the universe impact things in such a way that, however things play out, it's how they were always going to.
Imagine a time in your life when you made an impactful decision, and imagine you can go back in time to that moment. However, when you do everything is the same - you're thinking the same thoughts, feeling the same feelings. You've had all the same experiences, and are in the same frame of mind. Every single atom in the entire universe is exactly the same as it was in that moment. Would you ever actually make a different decision from what you had in that moment?
Determinism says no - if you had the capability to know the exact state of the universe in a single moment, you'd be able to tell what the next moment's state would be, and on and on to the end of the universe, since it's all nothing more than a single incredibly complicated chain reaction.
Fun but silly and reductionist. Daoism could be any of the four colors depending on how you think about it.
The Way is just the way, soft-supernatural determinism, life is without inherent meaning.
Or, The Way is the objectively correct way for things to be, and they suffer when they deviate from that, which they are allowed to do. Objective, probably supernatural too to make sense.
Fully supernatural, one could view the Way as descriptive of the flow of the mystic energy, split into Yin and Yang, whose combined interplay forms the universe, and "flowing" with that energy is the Way, which is also the meaning of life.
Or, The Way cannot be told because each being has it's own Way which can only be found through experience. The Way is Subjective, but still True.
I consider myself an Epicurist ever since I read about it some 30 years ago. Let me tell you it’s so much more than “freedom from pain”. It would be better summed up as “pursuit of pleasure” in the more archaic sense, which really means I enjoy the finer things in life and try to not concern myself with small trifles unless it comes at the cost of someone else. It’s really shaped my world view in life, brought about passions that I had no idea existed after a near death experience.
One of the biggest philosophies based on religious beliefs the world still follows ..... theism
And it's considered prehistoric
Judging by how the world is thinking and acting these days .... it sounds about right
Green strongly agree with. Yellow slightly agree with. Red disagree with. No colour neutral.
Note: I would have put green on humanism, but I'm vegan and humanism only focuses on humans instead of all sentient life.
You're definitely better at picking colors than the chart illustrator.
So according to this I am a determinist turned absurdist? Neat!
It doesn't matter, play video games.
The philosopher of our century, right here!
Fortnitism: Life is about getting as far through the current battle pass as possible?
I don't see it mentioning 42 anywhere.