So. Without trauma dumping, I'll simply say my dad is a bad dad. What's a father's day gift that says "you're dead to me, but I'm still doing things to keep drama at bay"?
Nothing. Literally nothing. Bad gifts are for annoying close friends, any amount of effort put into a gift for your father would imply that you care what he thinks.
Get something like Bergamont; something so few people actually genuinely like, but smells fancy with a quick whiff. Boring and unexpressive after 30 seconds.
Alternatively, try something like cupcakes or vanilla icing. The kind of candle that would give you a headache.
It’s also practical because the gift is cheap without looking cheap.
I’m sorry to say that I’m speaking from personal experience.
Nothing says "I have fulfilled my social obligation, but I don't give a shit about you" more than a low value giftcard for somewhere generic.
Alternatively, give him a halfway decent gift and feel better about yourself for not continuing the cycle of neglect, even when he won't appreciate it. We can make the world better, even for those of us that don't deserve it, and considering how to make it a better place as opposed to how to get back at the people who make it a worse one is just a better use of our time and energy.
Besides, at the end of the day, truly awful people already live with the worst punishment so could imagine: having to wake up every morning and continue being themselves.
Make it 20. 10 is too obvious a slight to any onlooker. 20 still won't cover most mains post-covid after tax and tip (depends on your region and the restaurant of course).
Can confirm, have a bad dad, father's day passes by without a word every year. That's a long term message. Last few years I didn't even realize it was father's day. If I got him anything it would mean I'm thinking about him
I don't want to get too deep into your business but just to understand better what you're trying to communicate....
Please tell me if I get this right: there's current (not past) drama in your family and you think that not acknowledging father's day at all would feed into that drama (maybe your dad's reaction would be "see, you're all against me" and he'd play the victim or something like that) . On the other hand you also don't want to pretend everything is right with your father. So you want something to communicate "I don't want to be against you, but I certainly am not on your side either; I just want to be left alone and talk to you the strictly necessary amount of times". Is that it?
If that's the case, yes, the standard-est, humorless "happy father's day" card you can find, with nothing but your signature in it should convey that message pretty well. If you can't find anything, just a white one with a handwritten "happy father's day, [your name]" would do.
Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. I'm trying to stay close to my mom, and she's desperately trying to hold the family together, so if I don't do anything, he would play the victim and use my mom's hurt feelings against me. So I'm most likely going to just do something very generic, like you said.
Big drinker? Cheapest bottle opener or a nip of his favorite sauce.
Angry asshole? Get him a therapy ball.
The biggest thing my condescending asshole stepdad taught me was "Kill them with kindness". If you're kind in a backhanded way, it'll piss them off and you can feign innocence.
Honestly that's kind of what I'm thinking. Then he has to store them, and he'd feel like he had to wear them at least once. Just a little upsetting for him.
Price sticker had me amused - I never thought of that!
Another suggestion is to buy a card in a different language. Or if it says Mother’s Day where you don’t even bother replacing “Mother” with “Father”, but that might be a bit too intentionally mean so I would only send this depending on what kind of relationship and trauma that OP has.
What about a difficult plant to maintain? Maybe a cactus or something? So he has to make an effort keep it alive, or slowly watch it die, like the relationship he has with you
If you're REALLY sure that ignoring the day would open the floodgates for retaliation, I'd text him or give a generic card. If he's just gonna be angry and removed at you, let him be angry and block his number.
If you're currently in an abusive situation and possibly in harms way I think this might be beyond Lemmy's paygrade, since we don't know what sets him off. But it's OK to play nice for the short term if it keeps you safe long enough to escape.
Yeah I've thought about just doing a few candy bars or something. I think the sunk cost fallacy has kicked in, so I almost want to go higher effort but bad lol
If you want to give a gift that's simultaneously very thoughtful AND a very shitty gift: buy him a pair of knee pads. Refuse to elaborate on why you bought them.
It would be beautiful to donate to the local pride center in his name and just watch him seethe. That's such a perfect idea, since if he actually voices a complaint, he knows it makes him the asshole.
My MIL once gave me her old bathrobe as a Christmas gift. Don't think you can say how little you think of someone in gift form better than that. Yes I am serious. So I bought her a 10 dollar coffee gift pack and left the price tag on the next year.
Give him a very basic and cheap toolkit you know he already has. Firstly, he already has those tools and secondly he assumes you doubt his ability due to the cheapness of the tools. Like giving a Michelin chef a dollar store copper knife, they'd assume you think they can't cook.
Something like a 2 pack of a Phillips and flathead screwdriver. So common even non DIY people always have them, and so cheap that they are useless.
Kind of hard to explain but hopefully that gets the pount across.
Even better, buy a gift card for slightly more than the cost of the father's day card. Use the gift card to buy the card so the remaining value is an odd number so it's obviously used.