I've had issues with Ventoy on multiple computers with multiple isos. +1 for convenience, -1 for not working 3/4 of the time (for me, I'm sure there are numerous factors).
Personally I have a USB drive with Ventou and have been using that for a long time.
But before that I just did a dd. Although I seem to remember someone doing a benchmark and realizing that piping the file was faster. Here's what I mean by that:
In bash you have the echo command which prints text:
echo "Hello"
Will print Hello.
In bash you can send the output of a command to a file, so:
echo "Hello" > hello.txt
Will write Hello in the hello.txt file.
In bash you can use the cat command to read files:
cat hello.txt
Will print the Hello we wrote in that file earlier.
In Linux drives are files, so if your USB drive is in /dev/sdb (DON'T JUST BLINDLY COPY THIS) you can create an image of it like so:
cat /dev/sdb > usb.iso
But also the devices are writable, so you can flash an image to a disk by doing it the other way around:
if is short for input file
if is short for output file
This dd command from the command line is what I use because it is built in and perfectly bare bones for my needs. I like to use the command flag --status=progress to show a status bar while duplicating the data. A word of caution: the dd, or 'data duplicator' program is sometimes known as the 'destroy disk' program because if you flash the iso file to the wrong disk/drive you can mess up the drive. Use the appropriate level of caution because there is no undo button. You can use the lsblk command to list the block devices on your machine and use the correct device. Quick instructions: use lsblk to list your block devices and locate your flash drive. If the flash drive is mounted (the /sdb/ will have something like /media/files if it is) you can unmount with $umount /path/to/sdb. Once the drive is unmounted you can use the dd program to duplicate the data (iso file) to your drive.
Ventoy is great as others have said, and probably would do what you want since it has its own installer and is its own bootloader, and can boot isos loaded on the USB drive.
If you want something that works, in my experience, as well as Rufus, maybe take a look at Balena Etcher, too.
They obviously don't have the features that Rufus has, but I've ended up using the default USB image writers that come pre-installed (found them on both Mint and Manjaro, probably available on others). If you're just looking to write an ISO, check to see if you already have one.
Well, on MX I'm using "MX Live USB Maker" which can flash any ISO on thumb drive, it's a built-in tool.
Now I'm using Ventoy, you just put multiple ISO on the thumb drive and choose it when you boot the USB drive, it's wonderful, no more "1 OS per drive", you just take a 32GB USB drive and you can put 10 distro on it.
The principal alternative to Rufus is Balena etchter, but for me it works 1/5 times. But now I'm using Ventoy and... Just use it, it damn fucking good!
Thanks everyone. I tried ventoy but it didn't work straight away. I do like the idea of having a list of isos to pick from, but it might take more tweaking to get right.
I went with the boot loading tool in Fedora since I just wanted to flash mint to do a reinstall on my kids' laptop
Balena Etcher is what you want, though AFAIK if you're making a Windows installer no Linux programs have the convenient options to disable TPM and online account etc that make Rufus so nice.
My honest recommendation is dd
It works, it does it's job, and doesn't need to many bells and whistles. My only complaint is that there isn't an easy way to show progress. But as a background command, it works.
darn I thought this was about my dream thing which would be a flashed boot loader on a drive where you had a folder you could add iso's and it would automatically give you a list of isos to boot from.