The former president said only a “psycho” or a “very stupid person” would’ve made such statements.
Trump Demands Biden Remove Ad of Him Calling Dead Soldiers ‘Suckers’ and ‘Losers’ - The former president said only a “psycho” or a “very stupid person” would’ve made such statements.
Trump saying at a 2017 Memorial Day event in Arlington National Cemetery: "I don't get it. What was in it for them?"
Trump is ENTIRELY transactional. The idea that good men would fight a war for their country purely because it's the right thing to do escapes him entirely.
He's not. He's just an asshole. He can read social cues, he just doesn't care. That's why it can be tiring to deal with people with autism. They're not assholes, but they act similarly.
I think that's a question of perspective. We, judging from hindisght and with access to more Information, can tell that. But the people signing up out of a misguided desire to serve probably didn't. Their motivation - regardless of result - was probably to do the right thing, which is a sentiment that Trump evidently doesn't just not understand, but doesn't even seem aware of. "What's in it for them?" betrays a fundamental ignorance of even the concept that his ilk leverage to get people fighting their wars.
I think I'd like to see the numbers to back up your statements about the war in question, WW2. Or, sit back in your armchair because it's still Monday morning somewhere.
Trump is ENTIRELY transactional. The idea that good men would fight a war for their country purely because it’s the right thing to do escapes him entirely.
In fairness, you only need a bunch of good men to fight a war purely because it's the right thing in order to counter the bad men fighting a war in order to do a bad thing.
Maybe if Trump's attitude had been more common in Berlin in the 1930s, or more common in the US during the 1960s or in Israel or Russia during the 2020s, we'd have skipped a few nightmarish atrocities without having a bunch of good men perish in the process.
What kind of fucking weakass reasoning is this? “Genocidal maniacs are the moral equivalent of those who would give their lives to stop them”. The fuck?
Sounds like a perfectly reasonable question to me... far more reasonable than simply assuming the people who perpetrated the US's colonialist mass-murder campaigns in the third world was simply "good men" (supposedly) "doing the right thing."
Good job making Trump sound more rational than you, hero.
This take just baffles me.. you can disapprove of a war, and still respect people willing to put their life on the line for something they believe is right. Even in war, opposing sides have a long history of showing their enemy a certain amount of personal respect, even though they clearly disagree about something to the point of killing each other over it.
Your take is just condescending and unempathetic. You can respect someone for sacrificing themselves without agreeing with them about what they're sacrificing themselves for. Regardless, it shouldn't be hard to see how someone fighting to depose an infamously brutal dictator (Iraq) or a fundamentalist regime that stones women for wanting a divorce (Afghanistan) can believe that they are doing something good.
The Taliban took over Afghanistan as soon as the Americans left.
Did you know why that happened? Because the Afghan military did nothing. They didn't fight. They retreated.
Imagine if a foreign force invaded the U.S. and the army did nothing and the foreign forces took over the government and controlled your life. Do tell, would you feel safe in those circumstances? Do you know why that doesn't happen? Because of the people you and your piece of shit dear leader are disparaging.
Trump doesn't understand the question because he doesn't understand doing things for the betterment of anyone but himself.
For most of history, you didn't ask "what's in it for me" when the king/prime minister/ The Church/ or President came asking (country irrelevant). That's a relatively new luxury due to perspective of the digital age and disagreements with (the US) Government due to transparency.
For most of history "what's in it for you" was actually getting fed and clothed better than the average peasant. Serving the king was what was in it because you didn't have to sleep in pig shit and milk the cows every morning. You'd actually get fed for mealtimes instead of playing the barter game all summer and fall just to have enough food to store in salt barrels for winter. And even better, if you tickled enough enemy hearts with your pointy stick there WAS some land and money for you, provided you survived.
Some countries through history also revere their veterans (with actual respect and benefits) so military service itself was the honor. While I understand it's a dramatization -the beginning of Disney's Mulan is a great display of it. Her father is it is '60s or '70s and has already served once and has a bad leg. The emperor sends out a call for war and the guards show up in town. When they call his name he sets aside his cane and picks up the summons because that's what you did. It is what was expected of him and he did it without complaint.
If Hillarys people wouldn't have pushed trump so hard, it would have been McCain vs Hillary, McCain would have easily won...
It's insane how much better shit would be today if Hillary wouldn't have gambled or cared about literally anything more than being the first woman president.
Trump rejected the idea of the visit because he feared his hair would become disheveled in the rain, and because he did not believe it important to honor American war dead, according to four people with firsthand knowledge of the discussion that day. In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In a separate conversation on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.
In a conversation with senior staff members on the morning of the scheduled visit, Trump said, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.”
Arlington was property seized from Robert E. Lee and chartered to house dead Union soldiers after the civil war.
So it sounds like it was filled with winners, at least for a little while.
This is pretty much how narcissists think in a nutshell. It's essentially a mental disability that makes them incapable of understanding why they would care about people, especially people who can't adore or praise them (i.e. dead people). Emotional one-way street.
I don't know I think that's kind of a shitty thing to generalize about. Not sure where your located, but atleast here in the US there are plenty of folks who join the military at a young age to get themselves out of bad situations and try to correct the course of their life. Obviously there are a lot of people who join because of some dangerous nationalistic or racist ideals, but that structure and purpose can help some folks.
Buddy, you do calculus under fire and report back to me how well you do. By the way, if you take too long you die. If you get the wrong answer, your friend dies.
From experience, you're not wrong. Let's be honest, being a service member doesn't separate them from their faults as humans. You take an undereducated kid from Mississippi and make him a Soldier, they're still that undereducated kid with no critical reasoning skills.
The military actually rejected Trump pretty hard. Enough conservatives in the military refused to vote for him in 2020 that it went blue for the first time since at least the Dixie Flip in the sixties. They aren't the group you should be worried about.
My family, in or out, are 7 shades of angry at those comments. But we aren't in range to vote for him or an opponent.
Our local conservative elitists may one day say the same thing, but as lifelong politicians from college they're smarter than that. If they did, I know too many of my family (who know better) would do mental backflips to somehow make it okay to still vote for them.
It'll sound like "yeah, well Milhouse said we're losers but Hairguy wore a tan jacket that one day so I'm still going with Milhouse" and I can only not invite them to Thanksgiving so hard.
Show them Lindsay Graham saying D-Day was a failure. Next we need to set one of those idiots up to say something bad about a medal of honor winner. Shouldn't be too hard. "Hey would you stand in front of an angry mob like Randy Shugart or Gary Gordon?"
Always keep in mind that Trump is a person with a very weak mind. It might actually be the case that he has forgotten about many of the misdeeds he has done, and considers himself an innocent and successful man just because he does not remember about reality.
Not just a weak mind. The weakest mind. I've talked to everyone, and they all tell me, they say: I've never seen a mind so weak. You won't find a weaker mind. (etc for 20 minutes)
I think you’re right but I think it goes further in that he genuinely doesn’t grasp the concept of reality. I think for him reality is whatever he wants it to be in the moment, and anyone suggesting it is anything other than that is lying, unfair, disloyal, and so on. So even if he does remember it, it doesn’t matter.
Veteran here. Donald Trump fucking hates 'the troops'. The number of active duty and prior service who still (or ever) support that anti-American shit stain blows my mind.
Here's some light reading - this list is WAY outdated at this point, so feel free to contribute some more links in the comments. These are examples of things he's done specifically to attack the US military / veterans:
The Trump Administration helped hundreds of thousands of veterans find employment in the civilian workforce, and it eliminated every penny of Federal student loan debt owed by American veterans who are completely and permanently disabled.
It's so fuckin' funny how his apologists will ignore a mile-high stack of his personal deficits to point to a solitary instance of someone in his administration making a humane decision and attributing that to the most selfish prick who has ever ascended to the presidency.
Just block, don't argue. A person who would post this while ignoring everything he's said in public, and then force you to debate them on whether he ever said anything in public? That's not good faith. Block. This is not a person you want to talk to.
Hmmm... A department of Justice press release written in 2021 praising a current administration effort. Sounds like something that must be 100% factual and not written for any other reason than pure truthiness.
Pretended he didn't do what he clearly did, saying only a psychopath would, not realising how psychopathic it is to try to deny the verified quotes? Yes.
Normally, "or" in conversational speech does not align with the logical or but with the logical xor. So Trump called himself either a psycho or very stupid, but not both.
At least that's how I think conversations work. I don't talk to people, I'm bad at that.
Okay, he was and is a coward who browned a pair of pants the second anyone brought up the mere possibility he might be drafted.
And to be clear the people who refused to go, who burned their draft cards at protests, or even just stayed home until the police showed up aren't in this picture. Trump proactively got a doctor to lie so he wouldn't have to worry about it.
I wouldn't say all, but yeah most people probably. It's so unbelievable that people like Trump are so popular, and that people are voting and acting against their own interests (because they are stupid?).
They absolutely are voting against their interest but these are the people who only pay attention to politics 2 months every four years. There are people who will vote for Trump because of the stimulus payments that he delayed just so he can have his signature on it. Even though Biden got families even more assistance. When people are struggling they blame the president.
I'm afraid that gen z may be more red then we expect simply because they can't afford to live on their own. Biden needs to put stronger restrictions on utility companies and landlords but there are even Democrats who won't allow that.
There's no way this could blow up in his face. I mean, drawing attention to an ad that quotes something he directly said... No possible way this would have the opposite effect. Genius level thinking going on here.
When will Jim Jones' supporters wake up? Cults do extensive mental rewiring to people's brains. Their minds literally cannot conceive of their leader doing anything evil anymore.
No, the question isn't when his supporters will wake up, it's when will the people who still think he's "bad, but the lesser of two evils" wake up?
Those guys probably had it easy though. They didn't even have drone strikes or surface to air missiles in that war. They didn't even have AC so these wimps never had to deal with hours of a boring trial in a freezing cold court room like today's heroes have had to do.
Generally speaking I hate the troops but in WWI most of them were conscripted and didn't have much choice about being thrown into the meat grinder. Trump has the same kind of callous disregard for them as the people who sent them out to die.
Not sure about audio but info came out and was corroborated by members of staff and people close to him back in like 2017 closer to when it was said. Was one of the 29 issues coming out of the administration at the time.