This bar that I ate at tonight had a menu for dogs as well
This bar that I ate at tonight had a menu for dogs as well

Side note: as a vegan, the dog meal is pretty good!
As a vegan? The dog meal has eggs.
63 0 Replygh0stkey Lmfao
19 0 ReplyAcesAreWild OP Thank you for pointing out my mistake! I am actually a vegetarian, I don’t know why my phone corrected that! I could not live without cheese
20 1 Reply
Funny to be more concerned about the chickens than the animal enslaved for life and bred to feign affection.
But then it's typical for rationality to go out the window for some people when dogs are concerned.
1 27 ReplyAcesAreWild OP Something something mutually beneficial relationships? Something like any other relationship? Or can you not hear me from your moral pedestal?
12 0 ReplyVeedems
I’m not a vegan, but equating the two seems a bit hyperbolic.
9 0 Reply
Leoimirmir That dog eats better than I do
5 0 ReplyJaymesRS
Hey! Welcome to my corner of the world.
2 0 ReplyAcesAreWild OP Thanks friend! It seems like a Darn nice place
1 0 ReplyJaymesRS
I’ve lived in much bigger cities and much smaller and It’s really pretty good for its size, imho. If I can answer any questions feel free to let me know.
2 0 Reply