Big Bad Wolf Thought
Big Bad Wolf Thought
Big Bad Wolf Thought
Yeah, down with the violence of the state! Although, to prevent bad actors and armed gangs we do need to have some sort of militia to protect the vulnerable from the greedy and cruel, human nature being what it is. And to prevent said militia from turning into the very thing it was supposed to protect us from, we need some sort of oversight, preferably from a democratically elected body, that tells the militia how to act and prevent them from violating the rights of the people. Oh wait I just reinvented violence of the state hehe.
People in Somalia hearing that America has a 1.8% homelessness rate: "wow. Things are really just as bad over there."
That's not what anarchists refer to as a state.
A common anarchist definition of the state is: The institutionized power structure which alienates people from the businesses of their daily lives.
If the whole constituency of the community that the militia protects is involved in controlling that militia, that's not state violence anymore.
If the whole constituency of the community that the militia protects is involved in controlling that militia,
Like having the militia answer to a democratically-elected government?
A common anarchist definition of the state is: The institutionized power structure which alienates people from the businesses of their daily lives.
So not the government at all, right? Because they aren't responsible for hardly any alienating in my experience. I would attribute any alienating I feel to corporations.
Sigh, it always ends up being a semantic issue because people hear "anarchist" and think "no government". When really, the political philosophy of anarchism is a little different.
Oh wait I just reinvented violence of the state hehe
Except if the state is a community voting on how they should be policed, it isn't really violence, is it?
It is, that community will still have its marginalized groups that don't get representation, and if anything, on a smaller scale it's harder to form a group that would argue for necessary support for these people
No it's still definitely violence. Like, day to day, you try to use violence as little as possible but it is necessary for the laws of society to be backed by violence or people would ignore them. "Violence" doesn't have to refer to killing people, it means the use of force against somebody without their consent (killing them, arresting them, or evicting/exiling them).
The state we have right now in America and most of Europe is a community that decides how it wants to be policed (i.e. a democracy). Different jurisdictions make different policing decisions and have different outcomes, but they all follow that structure.
The point I was making was that any attempt by anarchists to "overthrow the state" is silly because the "state" will return in a new form as power reconsolidates. If you consider a recognized federal or state government to be a "state" but an armed "anarchist" militia that runs a city to not be a state, that's just a silly semantic argument.
Wow, that's an impressively large strawman you built! Did you do that all on your own or through the mutual cooperation of other parties?
Yeah, this is a point espoused by people who see themselves as wolves, but end up finding out they are actually pigs.
I was about to say. Everyone here who is looking at this through a laptop or phone are guilty of violence according to this comic.
I don't think anyone who has done any thinking on this topic would deny this, but our hypocrisy does not mean that change isn't desired or is somehow impossible.
Naomi Klein has written well on this topic in her book Doppelganger, which is the first place I ever heard this concept mapped out in all its dark detail.
I'll just paste the Q & A here, because I think it's important that people read it. You can look up more on this yourselves:
Q: You also write about another kind of shadow self, borrowing a formulation from the writer Daisy Hildyard—the idea being that, while we’re typing on iPhones, we also exist in rare-earth mines alongside poisoned teen-age laborers. The awareness of the plunder and damage inherent in the idealized American life has increased, but so, perhaps, has the lived acceptance of it, and the result is a simmering sense of unease.
NK: I quote James Baldwin a lot in the book, because I think he’s probably the most powerful theorist of the fear of what Hildyard is talking about. She calls it the second body—the shadow self that’s implicated in all of these systems that are unveiled. It isn’t just that they’re hard to look at, it’s also that we are implicated; we are not apart from them. There is my body sitting in this chair, and there’s my other body, hovering over the tax dollars funding drone warfare, implicated in oil wars, implicated in the plastic in the ocean. That’s not other people—that’s me, that’s us.
Emphasis mine. I just chose this link because it's free. Not the original source.
I hate it when I'm accidentally defending the concept of private property. Both sides are the same, what do words even mean really.
"Violence [is] The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived." - Robert A Heinlein
And nation states rob their subjects of this option.
Edit: can someone explain their downvote to me? I’m not advocating violence, only saying that nation states hold a monopoly on it.
Re-reading my comment, I kind of maybe was a bit agressive when I wrote it. Fuck it, take the power back.
Well yeah, that is the social contract. It's how society works.
Seems like you read too much Engels.
I mean its totally accurate, Pretty much all countries today can trace their current borders back to violence, most land ownership traces back to violence, laws are one way or another enforced by the threat of violence....
I mean, this is literally an advocacy for racist authoritarianism, tho.
It's advocacy for "might makes right".
If the little piggies had grown up in the wild, they would be Razorbacks and would rip the wolf to shreds and then eat him. Or perhaps the little piggies could have spent some of their wealth contracting wolfhounds to keep their houses safe. Instead, they trusted to their ivory-tower theories and got eaten.
Wolfs do not normally loose to individual wild pigs
"I can take things from those people that are different from me because I'm physically stronger than them and might makes right. You should do the same."
The wolf who killed the pig distributed the pig's land and resources to other wolves. This is wolf-supremacy with a supreme leader.
Why "racist"?
Because he distributed land he took from pigs to his wolf friends. Even if you consider it as an analogy, you're dehumanizing the pigs.
Anarchist theory is pretty much the opposite of that or "might makes right".
If you're waiting for a powerful military force to end capitalism and allocate resources as their leader wishes, that's not anarchy. That's just new management.
Woah, he is bad!
And big
And hot I mean based
The fourth little pig build it's house out of the skulls of wolves. Which wasn't very stable, but it sure got the message across.
The fourth little.pig built his house out of depleted uranium and the wolf was like "dude... What the fuck?"
What fourth pig? The wolf ate the rich, they're gone.
So what you're saying is that it's okay for me to just walk into someone's home, murder the entire family and just live there now because I'm the most violent of all?
You just described colonialism.
That's literally American history.
That's literally most of world history.
Yup, until the authorities turn up with their monopoly on violence and deprive you of your newly gained property
What they're saying is that all rights are derived from force. The state that enforces your rights uses force to do so. This comic is mostly dunking on anarcho capitalists, in that they seemingly believe that property rights are magic.
If they have one home, no.
If they have 100's of homes ....
That's literally how states formed and they consider themselves as legitimate.
That anarchist wolf would make for a sick tattoo
Are You An Anarchist? The Answer May Surprise You!
We were robbed of a truly incredibly human being when Graeber passed away. I'm a huge fan of "Debt: The First 5000 Years". And I'm heartbroken that "Bullshit Jobs" was the last publication he produced.
You may be happy to know he and David Wengrow wrote The Dawn of Everything. It was published posthumously but his fingerprints are all over it. Great book to boot! Pirate Enlightenment was also published posthumously. Haven't had a chance to read it but I think it's safe to assume it's great too.
That only applies to news articles, not political essays. Those have titles not headlines.
Werewolf: The Apocalypse intensifies!
Underappreciated TTRPG
While I find anarchist ideas intriguing, I don't like how the comic seems to encourage a violent takeover of property like this.
yep. classic "the bad guy is actually good bc i drew him as a cool furry"
When interpreting the comic, I find it interesting to keep in mind that a wolf pack is a family unit, consisting of parents of children. So the wolf is taking the property for his family. The comic is advocating banditry, basically.
I don’t like how the comic seems to encourage a violent takeover of property like this.
May have something to do with the fact that the capitalists have armies of state-funded paramilitaries called "police" that makes any kind of peaceful takeover utterly impossible.
What would a "peaceful takeover" even look like?
Where I live, The police are generally worse armed than the population. They're also haven't been any unwarranted police shootings in my memory. The only police shooting that I can remember happening in the came with a whole firefight. Unfortunately, this is generally uncommon in the more authoritarian states.
A peaceful takeover would in my mind involve a democratic decision to do the takeover - I don't see how the police would stand in the way of that. The bigger issue would seem to me to be convincing people to vote for such a democratic decision. But at least that is a peaceful path.
If the little piggy were a capitalist instead of a libertarian, he would have a pack of wolfhounds who would fuck that wolf up if he came near the piggy's house.
The moral of the story:
Liberal > anarchist > libertarian
Yet this is what a state is anarchism must devolve into.
I think that's a bit extreme - there are many different varieties of anarchism (some even say that every anarchist has their own definition, which makes the term itself very non-descript). Some might need to devolve to violence but I'm not convinced all of them do.
The ultimate way to show dominance is to eat your opponent. I'm craving BBQ for dinner, thanks Lemmy!!
I do wish there were content labels though - people on Reddit avoid the Fediverse b/c of its "extremist political views", which limits our growth.
Fwiw I do enjoy the comic on a personal level.
people on Reddit avoid the Fediverse b/c of its “extremist political views"
If you're a Reddit regular, you might want to throw stones. The Fediverse exists in large part because of the extremist political views of Reddit administrators.
You're behind the times. Censorship and capitalist exploitation is mainstream now.
I haven't been for weeks, but got sent there today from Lemmy and saw this
Existential Comics aren't advocating any of these philosophical/ideological arguments. Its usually about it being funny to inject these things where we wouldn't normally expect them, or to have well-known philosophers behave out of character, etc.
The last bullet point rule of this community says:
Adult content is not allowed. This community aims to be fun for people of all ages.
However, the cute little piggy is literally being eaten alive - look at his cute whittle frowny face! Why, he is shocked, shocked I say, shocked! ... but perhaps capitalist piggy should not be quite so shocked, hrm?:-P In any case, it is "gore":
Murder, bloodshed, violence.
What makes it "funny" is the dehumanization - the play between how piggy wanted to devour the wolf('s work product), but instead got devoured himself, the implication being that the turnabout is fair play. I get it, I do think it's funny, it is an inspiring message, and if I had seen a gore warning I would have clicked past it and enjoyed it. Although, I will say that the gore portion does seem unnecessary - if capitalist piggy had been like on a treadmill hooked up to make electricity for the wolf, that would have worked almost as well to convey a message, without escalation. Anyway, I'm not here to criticize the author in any way, and the latter suggestion in particular does seem to spoil the purity of the vision, where what is best for the wolf is decided by himself (the carnivorous, apparently hungry wolf), not by either piggy or the external viewer. It's the ultimate anarchist freedom - maybe wolf will get shot in the evening, but this afternoon he dines on piggy!!
My points though are: (1) intellectual honesty - we can do whatever we want but why can't we follow our own rules that we claim to follow, in the rules tab? Is this truly "fun for people of all ages", REALLY? and (2) If we want to grow the Fediverse, e.g. to get more content, then like it or not we must either restrict ourselves to post solely more mainstream stuff (booo - yes that's right I'm booing this suggestion, bc I very much like an eclectic variety of message content and format), or else label the things that most "average" people are going to find objectionable. Like porn, I'm not suggesting to ban it, only label it so that it doesn't catch people unawares. Otherwise, back to intellectual honesty, we should just give up trying to claim that we want to grow the Fediverse, and accept that we don't really mean it - this is what it is, apparently, and we are never going to invest efforts to change it.
Right now, I am too ashamed to continue recommending the Fediverse to anyone else, as I have done several times in the past, if it is going to remain something that only the MOST extreme among leftists are going to be able to enjoy, and even among that crowd, the subset that ignores our own rules set up for our very selves.
The only proper response when a liberal tries to hide behind the NAP no one can freely or willingly enter into a contract under duress of starvation and homelessness.
No liberal has ever mentioned the NAP.
I didn't even know what NAP was until a few weeks ago. Marx and Smith never used the initialism.
You have to be into Libertarianism or have debated Libertarians to know what NAP stands for.
"American Libertarians" are acolytes of Economic liberalism. They fetishize Adam Smith. Economic liberalism is generally referred to as liberalism. They are definitionally liberals. Not libertarians.
You mean libertarian. LIberals aren't stupid enough to believe in a silly non aggression pact.
They call themselves libertarian. But they aren't. They don't believe in public ownership of natural resources. A core precept of Libertarianism. Or many of the other things actual libertarians do. Also the NAP isn't a libertarian thing itself. The man who coined and defined the term PARTICIPATED IN THE FRENCH REVOLUTION. The NAP is a thought short circuiting exercise designed by Rothbard 100 years after the establishment of Libertarianism. To discourage and alienate actual libertarians from the group.
Those that often call themselves libertarian babble about the invisible hand of the market. As well as fetishizing Adam Smith and his ideology. Economic liberalism. Because they are liberals. In the actual political definition of the term. Not the modern colloquial misuse of the term.
Then there's also the little issue of them denying that such a thing as a social contract exists, and I never signed no NAP so I cannot possibly be bound to it.
Or violence of the elite.
Yup, theres the edgy communist propaganda Ive come to expect
This is really more like anarchist propaganda than communist.
People not versed in political theory won't see a difference.
But Communists would fully agree here, as they do on many things with Anarchists
Excuse me? It's edgy anarchist propaganda. That ain't no hammer and sickle on the wolf's lapel. 😤
Wait, only communists get to dunk on Libertarian NAP nonsense? Those commies really do get to have all the fun.
The cartoon would work just as well if the Wolf had an American flag pin on his jacket and the pigs wore Native American headdresses.
And force, my friends, is violence. The supreme authority from which all other authorities are derived.
Every "-ism" either enforces itself with violence or it dies.
Would work better if the pig had a confederate flag pin
Yeah I'm blockin this community. Fuckin weirdos.
Man, go through a few Existential Comics. They're hilarious.
I'm 100% sure you're not getting the joke here.