There was a guy who got stuck in his grain silo and before calling authorities he made a tiktok that showed him sinking every time he took a breath or moved in anyway. He was surprisingly calm but you could hear panic slowly wave over him as he spoke about how fucked he was. He was later rescued alive and made a very short video saying he survived.
Growing up in a rural farm area, this was not an entirely unusual thing to occur. That always surprised me a little, seeing that it was talked about regularly and a known hazard. It was known well enough that, though I was never a part of the agricultural crowd, I knew the danger silos posed.
This drove me bonkers in that movie "A Quiet Place". The physics of the grain were constantly changing on them, at first they were sinking, then the alien was on it fine, then they were on it fine, then they were sinking. It was a debacle and it may have bothered me more than it should have due to the dozens of other plot holes and innacuracies in the movie.