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How much do you think a hamster MRI costs?
3 0 Reply/home/pineapplelover Same as a human mri, from what I looked up it's like $1k
3 0 Replygentooer If this is an American hamster, I hope it's got a decent job with good health insurance.
3 0 Replymonk
Found the American.
1 0 ReplyTexMexBazooka My last MRI they billed 20k
1 0 Reply
I had both my knees done, I think it was AUD$400 because it was GP not specialist referred. Probably one of the more expensive things you can get done in this country, but I'm thankful it was only that much hearing from the yanks.
1 0 Replyblackbrook Couldn't you save a lot of money by scanning a few dozen at the same time?
0 0 ReplyJax Hypothetically yes, logically no.
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