How to become the king
How to become the king
How to become the king
Throwing rocks is really useful too when you never get tired while running. So we'll chase down an animal for twenty kilometers then pelt it with rocks.
Animals: "ow! Ok, I get that this is a- ow! good huntin- ow! Hunting strategy and I'm too tired to- ow! Run. But this is- ow! Just humiliating."
Another animal later: "oh these ones just have very straight sticks, at least that won't be as bad as the rocks--WTF THEY THREW IT INSIDE ME!"
We really do break the balance of the game. Aimed accuracy of throwing things, high level detailed communication and social interaction, that same vocal range means we can imitate animal sounds to trick them into running off cliffs, can literally run animals to death, very high level intelligence allowing planning and tool use.
One or two of these would make us an op apex predator.
uh yes, I can totally do all that!
Imagine if spiders could tell each other stories and understand ideas about nations, tools, and money.
See "Children of Time" for the expansion of this idea.
Ok, but wouldn't it be an adventure if octopuses could do the same.
It didn't really take off until we invented the atlatl. It's a specially shaped tool that let's you throw a spear farther - like that tennis ball flinger for playing fetch with your dog.
That's when we went "now I can kill that fucking water buffalo without getting close enough for it to wreck my shit."
Already has the best range stats out of all the classes, uses the intelligence stat to boost it even further.
Seriously no other animal on God’s green, luscious, flat¹ Earth can aim with any accuracy when they throw. It’s only we² Homo sapiens.
That's a neanderthal though. We offed them too!
Isn't "apes throwing things" why cobras developed the ability to spit venom?
Cobras probably existed looong before any ape did, so that sounds unlikely!
Sure, but did cobras that spit venom exist before us stick throwing primates? Apparently not really. Spitting cobras seem to emerge in Africa when the hominin lineage emerged ~ 7 million years ago and in Asia around the same time H. Erectus moved into Asia ~2.5 million years ago
Considering what we have done and are doing to the planet and life on it, we should have better just put that rock right back where it was.
Projectiles op please nerf