Second question: How does one afford to live in an airport?
2 0 ReplyNeptuneOrbit If you go to the wiki list and read some of the back stories.... Begging. A lot of them just relied on handouts to eat. Not too different from regular homelessness.
1 0 ReplyAtelopus-zeteki
With air conditioning. Hey buddy, can you buy me a $10 cup 'o coffee? Tho' I could def. see this being a sort of funky, off beat vacation destination.
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general_kitten Free housing. How can people afford to live somewhere else in this economy is the better question.
0 0 ReplyPennomi It’s the food cost I wonder about. I assume all other needs are relatively accessible at an airport for free.
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NocturnalEngineer For those curious:
2 0 ReplyMatriks404 Now this makes me wonder... is there a list on Wikipedia that lists every weird list there?
1 0 ReplyKlear There's this. LoLoL
1 0 Replyotto_von List of lists of lists: This article itself is a list of lists, so it contains itself (see recursion)
1 0 Reply
shinysquirrel there's a list for unusual wikipedia articles
1 0 Replydependencyinjection A cow with antlers atop a power line pole. Wikipedia contains other images and articles that are similarly shocking or udderly amoosing.
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Anticorp How do they afford to drink at an airport if they've had difficulty finding work? Also, damn, can't smoke at airports anymore.
1 0 Replycm0002 Also, damn, can't smoke at airports anymore.
Actually you can, even in the US, although it's limited to major international airports. The terminal smoking area is like a giant room with industrial ventilation and double "air lock" type doors
1 0 ReplyGeobloke I find the term "terminal smoking" very dark
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ShepherdPie Vegas has a smoking lounge with slots still and LAX has a balcony hidden behind some restaurants in one of the terminals.
0 0 ReplyAvg Last time I was ATL, it had dedicated smoking rooms, looked like a fucking smog aquarium.
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