Indigo Traveller is a great channel who goes to less-travelled parts of the world to shed light on how people live in less fortunate parts of the world.
I love how he is able to cut through politics and other perspectives to show the human element of the situation of the people on the ground of the places he visits. It's refreshing, and haunting, to see the day-to-day struggles of the people interviewed.
I wish that more media was cognizant of the individual struggles of those presented within his videos, and that they would talk about ways to assist the countries and people that are highlighted in Indigo Traveller's travels.
These types of videos are so cringey. I've been to Maputo and this guy is just a puss. Just mildly racist fear porn for people who will never leave their couch.
I don't know. I feel like perspective is everything, and you seem to have an idea of how things are in Mozambique which is totally fair, whereas I do not. This is a fair assessment, however I feel that the visibility that Indigo Traveller provides into the situation in Mozambique is worthwhile nonetheless.