Made me check for my home state of Utah. But looks like they require a "substantial portion" or 1/3 of content on a site to be porn. source Looks like we all need to get busy posting tits to twitter for the good of the children.
As much as X can get bent
The eradication of human sexuality from mass media culture is a clear sign of intense rot at the heart of our civilization.
How can such a fundamental element of thr human experience can be so conspicuously absent for almost all art and media. A clear sign of the omnipresent censure and purge of dissenting opinion in our supposedly "free" society.
How can such a fundamental element of thr human experience can be so conspicuously absent for almost all art and media.
What are you talking about? Heaps of movies have sex scenes. Heaps of songs are about sex. There are heaps of books and other stories about sex. The internet is packed with sex stuff of all kinds. Advertisements in the street are obvious implicitly or explicitly about sex. So how can you say that sex is 'conspicuously absent from almost all art and media'? Are you looking?
Allowing explicit porn on twitter doesn't make it ground-breaking in any way. It just changes the tone and target audience of the site, such that you will now see porn inserted into basically any conversation or topic.
I should have clarified, freely available mainstream media and art.
I don't watch ads so I can't say for sure, I don't consider advertising to be part of art and media, more like a form of pollution on top.
From what I've senn tge most you might get are suggestive allusions to sex. It's just not treated as the everyday part of life that it is.
By comparison, it is entirely overshadowed by violence and gore.
Every new game that is released with a character dressed in even a slightly sexually suggestive way results in a rabid meltdown from braindead Twitter users. Payment processors like PayPal are forbidding the use of their services for NSFW content due to pressure from fundamentalist christian organizations like Exodus Cry, under the guise of "child safety"
The eradication of human sexuality from mass media culture is a clear sign of intense rot at the heart of our civilization
In what way though? We see all kinds of sexual and suggestive displays everywhere in media because “sex sells”. I guess you and the people up voting you don’t use Instagram, which is essentially what Twitter is now trying to emulate via this rule change.
How can such a fundamental element of thr human experience can be so conspicuously absent for almost all art and media.
It’s why looking at porn all day is not mentally relaxing, necessarily. Some people also find overt sexual displays distracting as all they want to do is focus without being stimulated into another direction. That said, there are plenty of video games, movies, art forms, music experiences which explore human sexuality. They’re fun because it’s stimulation at a time when you’re in the frame of mind for it.
I feel a lot of times when people talk about “something is like this” what they’re really saying “my experiences show that something is like this”, and that to me just indicates they need to broaden their experiences.
We’re missing sex positivity in modern US society with respect to women’s reproductive rights and acceptance of different sexual orientations or gender identities. We’re not missing sex or sexualized content.
You are misunderstanding the meaning of the paper you linked; it is not referring to sexual arousal but rather the psychological state of hyperarousal aka the fight-or-flight response. These are two very different meanings of the term "arousal" and are not at all interchangable.
As a foreigner, this is more of a US (maybe England?) thing in my perception (together with some Muslim and East cultures). The US was always a bit strange with sexuality themes.
Remember the nipple that ruined a household name celebrity's career? Despite the cover being removed having more to do with the actions of another celebrity whose career wasn't ruined rather than her, adding a layer of misogyny to what was already puritan stupidity?
Even if kids saw it, so what? I can't see any harm resulting from telling a child of any age that women have breasts for feeding babies, that it is done through the nipple, and that women without babies still have breasts and nipples because the body prepares for maybe having a baby later. And men have nipples because that part of the body doesn't get different until puberty. And that it can be rude to ask or talk to someone about theirs, and it is very rude (and illegal) to touch them without permission.
Eradication? If anything, streaming services turn the sex dial to 11 for a while now. It's as if they won't greenlight a new show unless it has a certain amount of sex and nudity scenes.
I'm not really including paywalled media in this. I'm not subscribed so I really don't see any of what you mention. What I'm seeing in my browser windows is almost completely sterile. The only place I see sex, is places that are ONLY about sex. There is no meaningful mixing.
Time to drop a ton of photoshops of Musk with a diseased micropenis until he changes his mind about this. Maybe shops of Zuckerberg and Musk heads onto gay porn stars so it looks like Mark is dominating Elon's asshole in the literal sense rather than just the figurative sense.
Oh, I don't, lol. That was more of a prediction than me saying that I'd be doing it. I never made a Twitter account. It already seemed shitty to me even before musk utterly destroyed it.
I think to get under his skin the most having musk be a sub to someone like zuck or hillary clinton or maybe some of the guys he asked for funds to help buy twitter
I wonder if him having a train run on him by a bunch of union guys would bug him the most
Adult content has always been defacto allowed on Twitter AFAIK. That's why the headline uses the word "explicitly". They're just making it dejure allowed.
X has been toying with the idea of fully embracing adult content and has even planned a feature for adult creators that could position X as an OnlyFans rival. That plan was delayed, Platformer reported in 2022, after red-teaming flagged a seemingly insurmountable obstacle to the launch: "Twitter cannot accurately detect child sexual exploitation and non-consensual nudity at scale."
Non-consensual porn had also been a serious problem for PornHub, eventually they just nuked all unverified accounts.
Hmm, maybe that's the plan for X too. It's been going in that pay-to-play direction for a while now.
It's Twitter. It will always be twitter. It should never be called anything else. Put in your browser and see what happens to the address bar. It's twitter.
they recently changed the address i think, finally. but i don't care, it's still a dumb and nondescript name (i mean, it's literally the shorthand for 'unknown') replacing probably the tech brand most integrated into languages around the world.
I suspect it'd go tumbling down hard and fast like tumblr. There's a considerable amount of porn and hentai artists that seem to live exclusively off xitter
I literally have an account there dedicated to porn. Have had it for years. I stopped using Twitter after the muskocalypse, except I still check my porn account every once in a while.
You have to actively go looking for porn there, but once you do it's a neverending rabbit hole. Especially if you're into some niche/fetish stuff. There's some unique stuff to be found there...
There is tons of porn on twitter since a long time. They somehow managed to keep it away from "normal" twitter. That is why it worked. That has been eroding for a couple of month now with the "invasion of the porn-bots". If they don't manage to continue to separate the porn-twitter from the non-porn twitter I don't think that will end well for them.
I've never used Twitter, but my partner does and regularly comments on the quantity and quality of porn there. It's my understanding that another popular social media app banned porn a few years ago and all of the porn moved to Twitter.
Twitter is way better for certain topics. I haven't been able to find the quantity or quality of OSINT stuff almost anywhere else at the level that Twitter has it.
If you want to know what's happening on the ground day to day in Ukraine or Middle East, there's no better place (edit: I lied. Telegram is pretty good, I forgot when I was writing this)
Like there are people who geolocate pictures to determine GPS coordinates and then get satellite scans to determine the effects of missile strikes or what have you
Foe example remember the Iran missile/drone salvo? There was an Israeli response to it? Claimed they blew up some Iranian radar for an air defense system with a missile?
Satellite images showed that was a lie. The damage on the ground implied only a small explosion that looks like other drone explosions. I only knew about it because I was on Twitter following specific people.
There's a lot of shit you have to tread through, lots of bots and spam and crazies and propaganda accounts and what have you
As of 2023, there are approximately 556 million active monthly users on X. As of April 2024, X receives around 6.1 billion visits per month.Apr 25, 2024
Instantly banned, no warning, no explaination. Just.....banned.
At least thats why I think they banned me. I have no idea. Instead of telling me why, I had to google likely reasons for an autoban, and found thats a common reason. Its the only thing I can think of.
That being said, I wasn't threating murder, or suicide. I was saying "this video is funny" in different words.
So I don't find the bots obnoxious now. I never see them!
I like the way you think! I'm cisgender but would totally accept homogender. Plus, homogender homosapien has a nice ring to it.
I honestly think the only way the word cis would be allowed on twitter is if some moron decided to weaponize it and start calling trans folks cisphobic or something. Then act like it's some sort of brilliant "gotcha" moment because these people are not only genuinely stupid but also hellbent on embodying all the worst parts of humanity.
Only then would the butthole licker of trolls known as Elon Musk accept term.
Because hormones are a hell of a drug. I’m only into women, but that includes trans women. What’s unattractive to me about men is the effects of testosterone, not the penis
Hey now, you're allowed to call any blue-haired middle aged liberal democrat you want a fascist. And by all means, insist anyone who believes in climate change is a religious nut job. Elon won't stop you.
Class, sophistication, and above all a sense of the dignity of the written word are all things that make Twi- I mean “X” - the foremost social media app on the Interwebs.
Now show us your naughty bits. Barely legal teens to the left.
Well this makes sense. elon musk wants to be able to show his face on twitter/x. And he couldn't do that before, because elon musk is an ass. I'll say it again to really drive the point home.
elon musk is an ass.
elon musk is an ass.
elon musk is an ass.
I just wish Lemmy were popular enough that this would get back to him. People trashing elon musk (is an ass......sorry, it's habbit now) in a place that he can't buy because there's no singular owner. On a platform that would relentlessly boo him harder than that time he was onstage with dave chapelle.
I PROMISE you guys, whenever the republicans are done with this trump experiment, we're getting desantos vs musk in the republican primaries. Both have an ego that wouldn't let them be VP.
The only good news is that they both can't win. There CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!!......shitbag.
So, I don't use Twitter. But as I can tell, here are some of the the sources of friction:
The rebranding to X threw out brand value.
Policy shifts didn't make some people -- who wanted the other policies, which I understand to generally be more-content-restrictive -- happy.
Twitter laid off a bunch of expensive human moderators who were censoring content.
So, speaking personally, I'm pretty hard in favor of speech being permissive. I don't want someone preventing me from seeing someone's speech. I want to make those decisions myself.
However, there are people who don't agree; they'd prefer to have their environment have content moderation.
What the changes did was basically force people into a more-permissive environment, which some did not like.
With the benefit of hindsight, what I think Twitter should have done is the following:
Keep Twitter active.
Start charging for or otherwise monetizing Twitter sufficiently to cover human moderator costs.
Start up Provide a seamless migration path to X.
Gateway all Twitter content to Don't do the reverse (or maybe do so on a limited basis, like having particularly popular content flow back, but filtered or human-curated). Maybe have some mechanism for Twitter users to request that X feeds be gatewayed back to Twitter.
That solves a number of problems:
People who want a place that have censored content have that option. The default is for the environment to remain the same.
People who don't want heavy moderation can have that, and aren't having to pay for someone else's moderation.
If a country wants to ban X (like, most of the regulatory yelling I hear about X seems to be coming from the EU) they can do that. People in the EU can still use Twitter.
It'd even be possible to make other content-filtering variants attached to X, because I guarantee that some countries have different ideas of what they think should be permitted in public discourse.
The brand value doesn't go away; I've seen many people point out that Twitter is a very-recognizable brand.
I suggested that something vaguely similar might be a good idea, back when the EU started passing some of their content restrictions. Didn't involve the stuff, though; that came later.
Like, the problem here is basically that there are different social norms and regulatory regimes around the world. Trying to create one global identical set of policies is invariably going to make some users and some countries annoyed. But...that's not really necessary to have at least some level of global intercommunication.
See, the problem is that this all would have required retaining all those expensive engineers that were either terminated or bailed the second he got hands on the platform.
Sure, you'd have to not lay em off, but only the people who are actually making use of their services are paying for them. So users get the "censored" or "non-censored" option.