All it really details are the things Google gathers from sites. Potential data to be used in the algorithm, but just because they are gathered does not mean they are all used. Having a wide range of potential data points is useful for development and refinement, even if they're not used in the live version.
But it did expose all the lies google has been telling about SEO and how it works with their algorithm. Basically all the times google was asked “so are you sure you don’t do x, y, or z to prioritize certain sites?” They said no, emphatically, despite some very clever folks who had a pretty good idea of how things were working based on independent tests and experiments on SEO. So google was lying all along, while trying to convince the experts that what they were seeing wasn’t real. Pretty despicable if you ask me.
Despicable to lie to people whose entire jobs are to artificially raise the appearance of certain results, not based on what the user wants, but based on how much the site wants to be seen? People who primarily serve to turn search results into defacto ads by getting their clients to the top?
People whose "expertise" involve the most effective ways to mislead people onto garbage websites?
"Search engine optimization" is a bullshit name for an industry that fundamentally undermines search engines. Google is no saint but the whole SEO industry can take their indignation about this and blow it out their ass.
they have these notifications where they send you an article or sometimes video you might be interested in... it's a notification ad, basically, or at least functions as one.
95% of the time it's clickbait or AI drivel anyway but at least when you tapped on it, it would open a somewhat related Google search and the first "result" you would see would be the article you clicked on. unnecessary step but i got why they do it.
well now you don't see it. because ads cover at least one entire screen's worth of space, if not more, so you have to scroll way down to see the thing you clicked on. unbelievable that they essentially show ads in front of ads.