The US faces a pivotal decision on whether to deploy nuclear-armed cruise missiles on submarines, a move that could reshape its deterrence strategy amid
It may be the lingering THC in my bloodstream, but I struggle to understand why anyone would be willing to deploy a nuclear weapon. Once one explodes, is it not totally game over for pretty much everyone?
The US and China are two of the biggest economies in the world. If even one big city in either country gets nuked, surely that will have crippling global consequences? Radioactive fallout, major supply chain breakdowns, famine, civil unrest and the obvious initial loss of possibly millions of innocent civilians.
There's a saying: the dying serpent always bites. Empires usually die a slow death by overextending themselves in war.
I wouldn't be too worried in this case though, the economies of the US and the PRC are so intertwined, that US capitalists have more to lose than to gain by starting a hot war. The war hawks know they only have a few more years of military (specifically naval) superiority, which is why they make a lot of noise that it's now or never. But the PRC thankfully played the long game, and even accepted some trade deals that weren't in its favor, in order to tie their economies together, to prevent war.
This is mostly just public posturing and open diplomatic signaling.
Nuclear weapon submarines are always deployed, and have been since the advent of the Nuclear triad.
That's as true for America, as it is for China, Russia, UK, etc. Basically every county with both nuclear weapons and a capable submarine platform/program.
The idea is a show of force to stop anyone from actually using them on anyone else and to get the other side to back down. No one, not even N Korea or Russia, really wants to use them. They aren’t that dumb yet fortunately.
Also, there are different tonnages of nukes. While every nuke creates an environmental disaster. Some are small enough to be localized with minimal fallout. Still not great, but not world ending either.
Idiots in charge...
Nukes on their hands...
People doing wrong things over and over again and not learning the lessons...
you tell me...
If everyone would plant at least a tree 🌳and care about it and watch it grow and what does it take for the tree to grow, no one would talk with such ease about nukes and armagedon shit...
im confused, what is the point of this if the current ballistic missiles on the subs could hit anywhere in China?? cruise v ballistic seems like grifting on a nuclear level, tactically/conventionally there's a difference but 1,000 nuke exchange it doesnt really matter how they fly everyones dead anyway
In case anyone was wondering why China is rapidly building up their nuclear weapons stockpile, this is why. The US cannot stop their Cold War-era antics. They must always be superior. They must always be able to get the first say and the final say.
China's nuclear doctrine is very clear: don't launch nukes at them and they won't respond with nukes, but if you do then nothing is held back. No first use, just like India.
NATO's policy of allowing for first use stems from fears of being conventionally outgunned by the Soviets and now the Chinese. If anything, this should tell you where China's military capabilities lie.