The data doesn't really make sense, more than 50% of the population would be LGBTQ+? π€
Edit: Thank you, I've had enough people making it clear that it's the graph title that is misleading and it's the total of the respective generation's population and not total of the country's population. No need to correct me again!
It's that of all extant (surviving) members of each generation, this percentage OF them identifies as queer.
3% of the silent generation means 97% of them don't.
4% of boomers means 96% of boomers don't.
7% of gen-x-ers means 93% of them don't.
16% of doomers millennials means 84% of millennials don't.
28% of zoomers means 73% of zoomers don't.
A whopping (97+96+93+84+73)= 443% of people are straight? No, that is not the case.
According to the US Census bureau as of 2022,
The silent generation makes up 5.49% of the population (of whom 3% are LGBT). 3% of 5.49% = 0.16%
The boomers make up 20.58% of the population (of whom 4% are LGBT). 4% of 20.58% = 0.82%
Gen X makes up 19.61% of the population (of whom 7% are LGBT). 7% of 19.61% = 1.37%
Millennials make up 21.67% of the population (of whom 16% are LGBT). 16% of 21.67% = 3.47%
Zoomers make up 20.88% of the population (of whom 28% are LGBT). 28% of 20.88% = 5.85%
The remaining 11.77% of the population are not represented on this graph and comprise the vanishingly small remains of the greatest generation and gen-Ξ±. If we were to assume that gen-Ξ± were 0% LGBT, that would mean 11.67% of the total population are LGBT. If 100% of gen-Ξ± were LGBT, that would mean 23.44% of the total population, which is equally unrealistic. Following the trends we see here, I would expect no more than 50% of the gen-Ξ± cohort would identify as LGBT, and more likely less. At most, the segment of the population at large who would identify as LGBT at present time is probably LESS than 17.56%
What makes you think 50%? The highest percentage in one particular age group is about 28% meaning the average of the whole population is of course much lower.
Does 'Title' on the left have some meaning I don't know about, or was it just never changed from the chart template? Are these numbers supposed to be percentages?
Yes, my bad.
As wirtten at the top of the image, the numbers are percentages.
E.g. the pink bar at the right (latest survey) means, that 27 or 28% of that generation define themselves LGBT+.
The silent generation is interesting. Presumably the percentage is going up because the overall number of people remaining is significantly going down. Therefore we can conclude that being LGBTQ increases life expectancy.
I would argue a very different take on that data. We know stress reduces longevity due to weakened immune systems, higher blood pressure, and various other factors that go along with high levels of stress. I would say that it's more of the silent generation feeling comfortable with finally coming out as who they are rather than being LGBTQ+ increasing lifespan. In fact I'd say it probably reduced a lot of their lifespans due to constant stress of "being found out" along with the physical attacks that were far more common in their time.
While that's a terrible thing, I think we're going to see what the true percentage of people that identify as LGBTQ in the coming years. A good comparison is left handed people. Before it was taboo and looked down upon. After it become normalized the percentage of left handed people quickly jumped to 10% and has remained there more or less.
I think if you are talking about a few percentage points then that is well in the margin of error (especially as these are different studies if I understand that correctly)