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  • Im just going to say FFXIV in my experience has a very friendly community, one of the nicest ive seen, so i dont fully understand where that comes from.

    For me it would probably be Garry's Mod, as its full of so many edgy teens who constantly say the n word.

  • I can tell no one here has played Mordhau lol. It's basically wall to wall neo Nazis spamming racial slurs. I got regular death threats, like almost every match. Destiny? Little league bullshit.

  • Genshin community,

    Really? I get that communities for popular games can be a bit hit or miss, but communities for single player games are pretty chill. Competitive team games like the Source games you mentioned, League of Legends etc. are on a whole different level of toxic. They can't even be compared.

    For something like Genshin the real problem is content creators. Much of the so called toxicity has little to nothing to do with the game itself and is more an issue with huge cults of personality clashing with each other. I think every popular game is going to fall victim to this going forward and you just have to learn to ignore it.

    • Yeah cults of personality + ipad kids on social media tend to be the large problem with genshin imo

  • Heroes of Newerth was the most toxic community I've ever been apart of. Nothing comes even close. It was rotten from top to bottom and made me quit a game I otherwise loved to play. I'm talking "The CEO frequently calls people slurs in all chat" level of bad.

  • Tbh the genshin community isn't necessarily toxic, genshin is so large that it's genuinely difficult to pin down an entire genshin community. There's the twitter genshin community, the tiktok community, different content creator's communities, etc. It's not a monolith just because the game is so gargantuan. The social media communities tend to be horrible but like, i watch a small genshin tiktok-er and theorycrafter and his discord and related communities around that have been genuinely lovely and actively elevated my experience with the game. I think it's important to look at how, past a certain point, specific communities dont really exist? and that's not just a genshin thing that goes for anything, different communities sort of splinter off and it's hard to hold the whole thing to task ig

    In any case, FFXIV is a weird pull because in my time playing GW2 I have many friends that have gone to ffxiv and come over to guild wars from it and almost always I hear nothing but good things about the broader community. It might have a bit of a toxic positivity vibe to it at times but I think the broader community seems to be pretty good? But uh. Valorant's gotten pretty bad. I love the game and the people I've met through my time with the game, and the community was quite good around the beta but it's just at a point where it's just. fueled by ego and weird horny tiktokers, it's not a great time lol

  • Dead by Daylight, leaving the community and game single-handedly cured my depression

  • Eve Online where, as long as you're not telling your victim to use real world money to buy things before you scam them, anything goes.

    • I always thought that part was interesting. I personally never had a downright toxic interaction in Eve Online and I used to multibox 7 accounts.

  • Technically not my own experience, but my partner plays Dead By Daylight and the community there seems absolutely terrible. I ask them why they play it at this point and they don't even know.

  • What I think is weird about folks hatin on the Genshin Community is it's essentially a single player game. There is no community really outside of social media. I would say social media is the problem.

    • This! I've always had super friendly interactions with Genshin co-op, even when searching through the co-op tab rather than looking online (aside from one kid I had to kick because I was not going to buy them a welkin lol). The only time I've come across problematic behavior is through social media. It's also very popular so of course on twitter and reddit there is going to be a large loud volume of immature people, but that's most games. In game people are usually good.

      • even around the game people are good provided you aren't broadly exposed to it via tiktok/twitter/reddit/twitch. Some of the smaller genshin discords have been really helpful and sweet and full of good people. But honestly I think there's just a critical mass where communities like that kinda blow up so that's not a genshin problem so much as that's a "so many people in one place at one time" kind of problem lol

    • It tells me they are used to cuddly friendly fandoms. They've definitely never played real toxic games like Mordhau or anything Paradox has made. There are games that are legit 50% neonazis and avowed racists.

  • just throwin in another anecdote that XIV has had one of the best game communities I've experienced, even when the game gets pretty stressful in endgame content.

  • It's pretty broad but I have met some truly awful human beings playing Minecraft. the "community" as a whole is... fine? for a game community, but the individual pockets you find can be truly horrifying. Hell, even in so-called "friendly" communities you can meet some pretty terrible people. People treat their servers like little fiefdoms, and all the toxicity with a fiefdom comes with that.

  • CSGO can be pretty toxic but I'm glad I don't have other reference points to compare it to tbh.

    • I played a game and a girl talked then someone said "is that a girl" then threw up a vote to kick and it passed. This was in ranked.

  • League of Legends. I used to enjoy playing it but could only do so many games before I got sick of the angsty teenagers

  • Path of Exile. If you say anything positive about it you get shit for being a mindless fanboy, and if you say anything negative about it you're a mindless hater. Plus the whole "zoom zoom" meta

  • It's been years since I ever played CoD but my experience was that it is basically a racial abuse simulator with an FPS in it.

    Nowhere near as bad, but I was shocked how intensely elitist and gatekeeperish Hollow Knight's community can be. I'd already finished the game when I found the sub on Reddit but damn they are mean to beginners!

  • League of Legends is toxic in the way of people getting too emotionally invested in a game, but Counterstrike (in the old days, pre Source and GO) was toxic in a casually bigoted way almost completely detached from the state of the current match, which I think is worse.

  • Cyberpunk, easily. Everyone loves to hate it for some reason, and shit all over everyone that dares to enjoy it.

  • Individual pokemon fans are sweethearts, but forever reasons, most major online pokemon communities are dens of awful where some of the worst people gather and make you question why you're even a fan in the first place.