I also wonder… now that marriage equality exists for same sex couples; if they need a NEW THING (tm) to feel special again, as one of the arguments used was that it debased the meaning of their relationship; so they think they need something to feel special or elevated over others.
In April of 2023, right-wing podcaster Steven Crowder announced that he and his wife, Hilary, were divorcing—an event, he explained to listeners of Louder with Crowder, to which he did not consent. She “didn’t want to be married anymore,” he said, “and in the state of Texas, that is completely permitted.”
Maybe it's just my skewed view of things, but it amazes me how the Religious Right has started to latch into views that have typically been associated with Catholicism. Most Protestant churches frown upon elective abortion as a form of birth control, but do not seek to outlaw the process entirely, under all circumstances. (The Anglicans are the one exception I can recall off the top of my head). And, of course, we know that the Catholic Church takes a much harder line on other forms of birth control than most Protestants, too. It seems interesting that the GOP are pulling all these Protestants back closer to the Pope's views.
Now we have the GOP getting closer to the Catholic point of view on divorce as well. Not quite going so far as to push to ban it outright, but definitely making it harder. I wonder what Henry VIII would think of that.
It's not that surprising. The Catholic Church is one of the least progressive large religions in the US, so it makes sense that if you were attempting to weld regressive policies with religious fervor, you'd start there.
Yes, but historically Catholics and Protestants didn't get along. When one obtained power, they used it to club the other one. It's interesting that they've achieved this weird power-sharing agreement here that so obviously favors the doctrine of the smaller side. It's as if they have no problem setting aside their doctrinal differences if the end goal is subjugating women, and have agreed the Catholic approach is better for that.
Learned to hate women/the plebs having the freedom to divorce, you mean. We certainly wouldn't want to stop men like Donald Trump or Newt Gingrich from it. That would mean the law would have to apply evenly, and we can't have that.
This is a good article, well worth the read. It gets my hackles up. It's wild to me just how reactionary the GOP is. I know they are, but there really is no limit to how far back they want to wind back the clock. 1776 might be too modern for them, given the lack of monarchy.
revolting doesnt do the conservative movement justice. its far more disgusting than words can manage.
these people seriously dont understand the secular nature of government. its beyond their comprehension that government should have zero to do with marriage
Oh they understand the secularity of government just fine, and that's the paramount problem with this country to them. In their view, we should all be bound by biblical law, and anyone who strays from those views should be eliminated.
that government should have zero to do with marriage
Uhh... Marriage is a government affair before anything else. It's a legal status, that comes with default clauses on a wide range of issues, from wills, property ownership, parental rights, taxes, power of attorney... All secular stuff. I think you mean to keep the church out of the government's affairs?
You'd think they learned their lesson from abortion, which is going to kick their asses this year at the voting booth, but nooooo they want to piss off more women by taking away their right to get out of shitty, abusive marriages. They live in a weird ass bubble where they think they are the majority on these issues but they are far from it.