I really hate people who censor naughty words like removed and fucking in screenshots. If you're too scared to see the word written, maybe just don't share the thing at all.
Especially when they censor the letters with shapes that resemble the letters. A vertical line covering an i is like blurring just the middle finger when someone flips the bird
I've looked into property management when a duplex near me went up for sale. Your assessment is not wrong. There are many laws and regulations (at least in the USA) around buying rental properties that make it incredibly difficult for new people to get into landlording under the guise of making it harder on landlords. In reality its just a bunch of financial hoops and burdens that established landlords can easily step over but prevents others from becoming landlords.
I if wanted to buy that duplex, I'd have to put like 40% down just to break even and absorb the risk.
I mean, I can't say I'm against measures that discourage more people from joining the leech class like that.
That 40% down would also reduce the rate at which established landlords can expand. For 40% down, $1m can finance $2.5m of property. For 20% down, it can finance $5m. For 10% down, it can finance $10m. And that money could be used to bid on more residences or to bid higher on the same number of residences.
See, that kind of ambiguous abbreviation is the exact reason why I made a t-shirt with "ACAB - Assigned Cute At Birth" with the ACAB in the non-binary colors for a friend.
It's not psychotic. Psychosis is a mental state or illness characterised by delusions, ideas of reference, and paranoia. Most psychotic people aren't animal abusers in any way. And OOP certainly isn't one of them, because they're fully cognizant of what they're doing.
You're doing the same thing OOP did. Throwing someone innocent under the bus to make your point. OOP abused an innocent animal. You spread lies about innocent mentally ill people.