I was going to make a post on unpopular opinions saying comic sans is not as bad as people make it out to be and can be useful in some cases since it is easier to read. But decided not to because I wasnt sure kbin/lemmy felt about it.
Hating comic sans is a meme. It was overused and thus received backlash, and now the backlash has been going on longer that the trend it was in response to.
True it was overused at one point. I guess a lot of the hate is just exaggerated from people getting annoyed how much it showed up in resumes and official documents as well as being used by amateur graphics designers . Which is fair. The font itself I think still serves a purpose when used correctly.
^ Something that annoys me to no end. I don't have dyslexia but find handwritings hard to read, and for similar reasons I always write in print, but then I go consult people who write things if there's a project or I need something written, and nine out of ten times it's in cursive when it's not even a formal document, and I'm thinking "is it SO hard for normal people to write in a normal manner and write for understandability instead of bad aesthetics/tradition". Yet I'm called illiterate because I only write in print.
I think that it's a pretty decent typeface -- it looks decent and successfully evokes comic book text. But because Microsoft bundled it with its OS, where it was one of the few distinct-looking typefaces, it became overused, got put in a lot of material where it wasn't really a great choice.
But I won't blame the typeface for people using it in inappropriate spots.
I used to have a number of typefaces used for various things, but I kind of stopped messing around with decorative fonts once I wanted wide Unicode support.
If you use it while trying to write a paper, you can actually write faster/more easily, so I tried it out myself, switched the font, and it actually did help. I do switch the font back to something more professional if I'm sharing what I wrote, though.
I remember figuring out a 10-Base-T network to get LAN Quake running, and dealing with Himem.sys and things like Sound cards needing to be put on IRQ 11 or IRQ 13 because they wouldn't work anywhere else.
I believe it's Winstone. But based on the lack of actual creativity, and low readability of the font, it might be "Wivhove", or possibly "Lamborghini".
Comic Sans is a bad font because it was one of the first default fonts installed on windows machines and every secretary who wanted to come across as casual used it.
Today, I'd say it's been replaced by the Google font Lobster as overused and unimaginative font choice.
It's not easier to read, I'm not sure where that myth came from. There's fonts specifically designed to be easier to read for dyslexics and they look nothing like comic sans.
Some people just want to make excuses for their questionable typographical decisions I guess.
Some of those fonts are directly inspired by Comic Sans… such as Lexia Readable and you’d be pretty hard pressed to say Dyslexie doesn’t take inspiration from Comic Sans. I have Open Dyslexic on my pc and a few people have made a comment about it being comic sans.
I seem to recall that its main issue was that it used more ink when printing. Not sure about that but I print like two documents a year so I havent really checked.