I think I have the same thing.
Is yours also kinda connected to blinking? I can do it without blinking, but closing my eyes at the same moment as rumbling the eardrums feels easier and more natural than rumbling with eyes open.
I can do it without closing my eyes but when i was younger, I remember closing my eyes or scrunching my face made it easier to do. If you can wiggle your ears without lifting your eyebrows, it kind of feels like its the same muscle group that causes the rumbles. The rumbling sounds like white noise inside my head. Its caused by constricting Tensor Tympani muscle in the ear voluntarily. From Wikipedia:
Some individuals can voluntarily produce this rumbling sound by contracting the muscle. According to the National Institute of Health, "voluntary control of the tensor tympani muscle is an extremely rare event",[5] where "rare" seems to refer more to the scarcity of test subjects and/or studies more than the percentage of the general population who have voluntary control. The rumbling sound can also be heard when the neck or jaw muscles are highly tensed as when yawning deeply. This phenomenon has been known since (at least) 1884.[6]
I do this thing where I pop my ears (like when pressure changes from altitude) and then it's like I'm hearing my breathing inside of my sinuses or something. When I breathe this way, it effectively blocks conversations I don't want to overhear. Do other people do this, or am I odd?
I can also ear rumble, it is not tied to my blinking at all, but if I vibrate my eyes while my ears are rumbling they both move at the same ~60hz frequency.
This is my time to shine, my body is full of useless, I can:
gleek intentionally (saving people a search: itâs causing the salivary glands under your tongue to shoot saliva, people often do it unintentionally when yawning)
open my jaw wide enough that it goes out of socket, and twofer I can then move it side to side and produce a loud popping noise
bend my thumb down to my wrist
cause my heart rate to spike for short periods even when at rest
I remember when I was a kid we were all trying to gleek and some of us could do it easily. I never could, so anytime as an adult I accidentally do it, I canât help but laugh.
I can also gleek but it's nowhere near what my grade 11 English teacher could do. I don't know how it came up in class, but, in front of the class, she turned sideways and made the biggest arc I'd ever seen: maybe 6 feet long
You know that feeling you get when you listen to really awesome music and your hair stands on end and your skin has like an electric tingle all the way up and down? I can do that feeling at will. It's called 'voluntary frisson', normally an autonomic response. Makes music a real.trip.
It's fun to watch people freak out when one can raise his body hair up on command. And since I have an abundance of body hair, the effect is pretty profound.
I had a complex fracture in the elbow twice, 34 and 30 years ago. There's no pain, no loss of function, and it didn't get worse in all that time.
Nothing I can really do but hope it will stay like that for the next 30.
I can voluntarily open my eustachian tubes and hold them open, without needing to yawn or swallow. Makes it much easier to clear the pressure in my ears when changing elevation (like when flying in a plane).
I have a hypothesis that there is no such thing as lucid dreaming (before you get the wrong idea, I've done it before. My meaning is that it's misunderstood, not that people are lying about having done it).
That feeling that you're in control? You're just dreaming that you're in control. You're just dreaming that you have the experience of choice-movement-feedback.
How is the feeling of being in control any more real than other sensations you experience in a dream?
When you experience the sensation of enlightenment in a dream, do you say you were really enlightened, or were you just dreaming that you were enlightened?
When you experience the sensation of blue in a dream, do you say there was actually blue, or were you just dreaming there was blue?
Your brain telling you you're in control is just as suspect as your brain telling you there's blue. They are both creations of your brain for the purpose of the dream.
Whatever action you're taking in an attempt to demonstrate control is just as easily explained as something your brain created as dream decoration.
The question is, is there a practical difference between lucid dreaming and dreaming about being lucid? I like to think it's the memory afterwards that counts.
I can hammer nails and icepicks into my head. I'm very fire resistant and eat fire. I have a split tongue. I can keep my eyes open for a VERY long time.
TBF I'm a sideshow and fire performer so I'm cheating
I can whistle from my throat, I figured out how to do it from yawning and just kept practicing, the wife hates it because it hurts her ears but every time I yawn I have a habit of trying
If I press on the corners of my eye it forces air down my naso-lacrimal duct (that lets tears drain into our sinuses) and it makes a squeak loud enough for people sitting next to be to hear. I have a built in nose flute.
I can whistle in three different ways. The classic pursed lip whistle, a whistle using just the tip of my tongue and the roof of my mouth, not using my lips at all, and then another using the tops of my bottom teeth. I can make decent bird sounds using my bottom teeth, but I can do pretty much any tune I can think of with the pursed lip method. It has been relevant to my life exactly zero times, except to entertain myself.
I've got a tooth gap through which I can whistle. And it's working so well, that I can also audibly whistle while breathing in. So, I can actually whistle pretty much continuously for like 10+ minutes, until my cheeks start hurting. Only really useful getting on someone's nerves...
That's how I learned the bottom tooth whistle! One of my bottom front teeth was a bit crooked and created a tiny gap at the top, and I learned to whistle through it. When I got my teeth straightened I lost the ability to do the invert whistle and some of my control but I can still do it well enough with the pursed lip method.
Ah! I have another whistling method! I can use my throat. It's like a heavily modified sigh? It's the best way I can describe how to even try to do it.
With practice I think I could get it loud enough to be disorientating to the unsuspecting though. Lol
Ha! I haven't heard of that, but maybe I should try to learn it just to know more ways. Not that I'm doing much with the ones I do know at the moment, lol
Sooo I can cause what honestly feels like a small and constant electrical current flow through any part of my body. If I center this feeling on my chest it is easily more prominent than anywhere else with my head being second. Extremities are dead last. If I am hooked up to a heart monitor I can make it freak out at will. Any location I focus it on tends to want to tense up.
I like to tell people this is the result of me grabbing onto a metal item when I was younger that was still hot. Couldn't let go for a solid 6-10 seconds, can't say exactly how long. What I am able to do feels very similar.
Electricity. Hand curled around it to grab and got rooted. I still remember the sensation of my repeating mental command to "LET GO" feeling as if it was slowly travelling down my arm. Weird is a word that comes to mind.
I can fit the majority of my little finger up my nostrils. My nose might be slightly larger than normal and my hands are about normal. It just fits up there with a little twist.
I can put both my hands In a "pray" position behind my back between my shoulder blades. I can vibrate my eyes. Perpetually crack my right ankle. And pull my arm out of it's socket.
Oh shit. You just gave me a memo of middle/high school. I use to be able to do that. I just checked and maybe if I keep practicing, but it's not there anymore.
Someone I knew did it to me in school. Like just vibrated their eyes while looking at me. Then asked if I could do that. Well no, but it intrigued my young ass enough to figure out how he did it. He told me and after a few days I was able to do it pretty easy.
That's similar to how I learned! My brother could do it and I was envious and figured it out, he can do it for as long as he wants but my eyes tire after maybe 20 seconds or so
I can rotate one finger at one direction and the other on the opposite direction while pointing one to another, simultaneously. I don't know how uncommon it is but, back at high school, no one else in my class could do it. Totally unuseful skill.
If Iâm understanding your description correctly (the image didnât come through), I can do this too! I heard once as a kid it was impossible and I refused to accept that, so I practiced until I could do it.
Rephrasing to see if weâre talking about the same thing: I can point my fingers towards each other in front of me, then circle one hand away from myself and the other towards myself, and continue looping them in opposite directions. Most people can do it for 1-2 loops, but then end up moving both fingers in the same direction.
I can trigger a few seconds vertigo attack when I lie down. If I do not think about it when going to bed, everything is fine. But if I think about it, then it invariably comes.
People are often so worried I'm pushing back hard and damaging my joints. So I let them push a finger back softly, then they're shocked how easy it is, but no longer worried about my joints! đ
have you considered getting your thyroid checked? anecdotal evidence, a former colleague mentioned they had thyroid issues (on the hyper side) and could hear their pulse in their head before solving it. somehow that bit of info stuck with me
Never heard this, interesting. I usually only hear it in places with low background noise, it kinda reminds me of the sound a CRT TV or something kinda like electricity, it's not really like those things, but it's the closest thing I can think of.
I can also hear myself blink if I have silence in a room.
I also actually do have a thyroid condition, but that could be pure coincidence.
I can bend the last joint of my right hand middle finger independently. Not any of the other ones though. I found out when I was playing Double Dragon in the arcade and smashing the attack button. My finger when stuff with the first joint bent and still smashing the kick button. I didn't know what it was.
Next step, go behind it and reach your tongue up into your nasal passage above your soft pallet. Congratulations, you're now able to pick your nose from inside your mouth.
I've been able to do this for about a decade now because I got bored one day.
I can spiral my tongue, so that the front part is fully upsidr down - but only to the left. I can't rotate it to the right at all for some reason, it's like the equivalent muscles are missing.
I can whistle with my lips just slightly open (like a ventriloquist).
I can make a really high pitched whistle like that and it confused the hell out of other people while they trying to find where the sound came from (high pitched sound is harder to pinpoint the location as it's bounce around the room).
But as I get older, I find it getting harder and harder to do so. 10 - 12 years ago I can whistle an entire song like that and it would sound crystal clear. Now it's really hard to follow a tune or make complex sounds.
Yeah that's what I meant. My lips can move freely while I whistle and it doesn't affect the sound at all. I just specifically mentioned the "slightly opened lips" as it's more interesting to the story I'm telling.
I can do the same by cupping my hand in my armpit then jerking my arm down like a chicken wing real fast. Is this still a thing? I haven't been a kid since the 70's
I can do both of those and I can do it with my collarbone up against my neck. I do it accidentally all the time while leaning over and it catches me off guard all the time...and makes me giggle, because I am very mature.
I can bring my hands from the back of my body to the front (and the opposite) while holding them together. There might be a use for this if I ever get tied up.
Not a thing I can, but I once knew a person who could make their eyes go anti-crosseyed, as in left eye looking far left, right eye looking far right, away from their nose.
Sometimes when I open my mouth really wide, I somehow spray a little stream of saliva, like from a squirt gun. It makes me feel like the dilophosaurus in Jurassic Park, but so far I haven't been able to do it on purpose.
I can fold my ears twice - so from the top of my ear I fold it towards the bottom of my ear and at the point where it folds I can fold it again across over the first fold.
I can make my right arm vibrate by tensing up the muscles in my forearm.
I dont me shake really fast. I mean vibrate.like, fast.
Outside of beating my brothers on specific mario party mini games that require repeatedly pressing a single button (or other games that have that use mechanic) or unlocking the cheats in bomberman 64 (needed a turbo controller to hit start repeatedly on the main menu) its pretty damn useless.
There was one Mario Party mini game (i think called domination) where you had to hit A as fast as possible, with each press making a thwomp or "domino" appear in a line. At the end, they all fall down, and you see whose line is the longest.
Some people couldn't reach the finish line. Some could just about get past it. Mine just kept going and going.
I thought that was normal and I just had not learned how to not vibrate, I can vibrate my whole body by tensing up or whatever part I focus on. So I vibrate like crazy when I do the plank... Extremely annoying....
Mad how everyone has such different experiences and how they shape our outlook on the world and what we consider normal. Like in my circles my arm thing was unique to me. I never met anyone that could do it. But looking at the comments in this post it seems like most of us think our weird trick is unique but there are almost alwas other people who have the opposite experience.
We have a couple things that run in the family. All men in my direct family (so me, my dad and my brother) can twist our mouths in both directions at once, so upper lip one side lower lip the other side, looks funky. We can also do eyebrow dances with moving only single eyebrows but I think that's more common.
You know how you can end up with crusties in your eyes in the morning? Well that gunk comes partly from your tear ducts and drys there. So sometimes when I blow them out I get some light white mucus as well as tears. When it's really full it will make tiny bubbles. Lol and it whistles a little so people in the same room can hear it.
My left pinkie finger knuckle can hold some tension when I from my pinkie into a claw shape, but then snaps forward. Either that's unusual or my right hand can't do that as snappy.
I have a few that some others in the thread have already mentioned, but I can also:
wiggle most of my scalp back and forth
retract the middle of the tip of my tongue so when I stick it out, it looks like an ass
stop peeing mid-stream. Maybe this is perfectly common, but people talk about not being able to just stop, or at least not for longer than a few seconds.
I can snap the tendon over my knuckles kinda hard to where it makes a popping/snapping sound. If I do it close to someone's cheek, it stings like releasing a tiny rubber band.
I can also move my ears independent of one another.
I can make my left scapula pop/click by moving my scapulas closer together. I read on a medical website that itâs actually an ailment that can be remedied by surgery. I donât really want surgery. Iâm right handed, so it doesnât affect me too much. Apparently, Iâm the only one in my family with this issue and itâs supposedly a genetic issue.