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  • "Hey as I'm being hired here, I want everyone to know that I have general anxiety disorder and bipolar disorder. I'm disclosing this to have proper accommodation, per state and federal law."


    "Hey my depression and anxiety is really high today, I can't get out of bed and I fear everyone around me wants to attack me. Sorry for calling in 5 hours before my shift, but I can't."

    "Well you're supposed to come in today, no one else can. Take your meds."

    If you ever consider walking onto the highway next to your job to not be at work, leave the job. Fuck that company.

  • unionize, motherfuckers

    the union is your own version of HR, calling the bosses to meetings to discuss their performance

  • "I was cured alright"

    • Deeply wanted to scream that each shift during the final weeks of my employment at a gas station.

      Lie after lie, labor violation after labor violation, being gaslit day two of my employment. I still wish and hope that the owner of the store, Katie, keels over and dies.

      And I've informed other employees (whenever I've had the misfortune of needing to step inside) about the violations of whats happening, and to report them. No idea if anyone does or even listens to me. I just try to make them know they are pawns.

      • Wish I could find a way to wake people up where I live. We're all immersed in the "midwest work ethic" from birth, trained to take pride in what amounts to exploitation and routine labor violations.