ENnies 2023 Election - Voting is now open
ENnies 2023 Election - Voting is now open
vote.ennie-awards.com /vote/2023/
You can vote July 14th-23rd. So go and do it.
Winners will be revealed at the award ceremony August 4th at 8PM EDT.
Iaith @ttrpg.network I always have the issue with these things that i mostly don't know the option and just voting for the one i know seems disingenious and not how the process should work.
4 0 Replyrhythmicotter @midwest.social There's no real way to avoid it being a popularity contest.
1 0 Reply
Veraticus @lib.lgbt
I’ll be voting for Fabula Ultima! Amazing game.
3 0 Replyhyperborean @ttrpg.network For me it will be
- Swords of the Serpentine
- Fabula Ultima
- Trophy
- Vaesen
3 0 Reply
CelesteBloodreign @ttrpg.network I’m one of the nominees! Under Best Aid / accessory- digital.
We are an online 3d dice roller. Wish us luck!
1 0 Replyel Stiko (he/him) @dice.camp
@CelesteBloodreign looks like an awesome tool! First roll hated me, though.
1 0 Reply
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