Donald Trump is addressing the Libertarian National Convention, courting a segment of the conservative electorate that’s often skeptical of the former president’s bombast while trying to ensure attendees aren’t drawn to independent White House hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Maybe you don't want to win. Keep getting your 3% every 4 years.
Win what? With Trump?
The GOP has been losing power ever since Clinton, because their most deeply held beliefs (less taxes for the rich, abortion bans, no public health care, more money to big business, no action on climate change) are wildly unpopular. Trump is the extinction burst - the frenzy of activity before the organism actually dies.
It remains to be seen whether they’ll be able to undo democracy to the point that they can stay in power regardless of how unpopular they are, and they have a plausible shot at it. But failing that I think all the gerrymandering in the world won’t be able to keep them around.
While in office, the only action he took that is in line with Libertarian principles was tax relief. Even that was wildly disproportionate, skewed heavily toward the wealthy and corporations, and quickly expired for the working class upon his exit from office.
His authoritarian social legislation policies are in direct opposition to the Libertarian ideals of civil liberty.
Without a tangible reason to coerce them into his following, his only idea was to attempt to belittle them into submission. I’m betting he’s never held a conversation with a Libertarian before.
I wonder if this is a regional difference in usage. It sounds so completely natural to me that I really struggled to understand your objection at first.
If I learned anything about public narcissists getting booed and hated in public, it doesn't change them. Elon has been getting shit on for the past two years by people booing to his face, and he still walks into parties like, "Hey it's Me Elon!"
Desperation? Sure, it's Trump, so desperation is a given. But if Trump were so confident in his popularity, then he wouldn't need to head to a Libertarian convention to essentially beg for votes and follow that with a whole "waaaah im going home you guys are jerks :(" routine after getting booed.
What a pathetic removed he is, begging for votes. He must really be in trouble if he's having to stoop to humiliating himself in front of Libertarians to close the gap