They used to hang out with flat earthers and earth centrics, but I'm guessing they had to cut out some of the crazy stuff to appeal to larger audience, with the less tangible stuff.
Qanon is like a clown car of unhinged conspiracy theories. Every time you think "Wow, that's bananas, what kind of blood lead levels do these people have to fall for this?" they trot out something even more deranged/racist/fascist.
I actually think it's those that get so close to the truth, before veering to the right and blaming minorities instead of those who are really to blame (by design of those who are really to blame, of course) - blaming Jews for controlling the banks and the media (it's the obscenely rich), blaming immigrants for poor work conditions/no jobs (it's the obscenely rich), blaming disabled people for being a burden and leeching off the tax payer (it's the obscenely rich), blaming whichever generation is currently in young adulthood for "destroying industries" (it's the obscenely rich), and so on and so on..
I guess they make me angriest because the truth clearly isn't outside of the people who believe the conspiracy's grasp, they'd just rather punch down, solve nothing, but continue to have minor feelings of superiority (which really ties in with the key to all belief in conspiracy theories - "I have special knowledge you don't"), than punch up and actually try to resolve the issues they whine about..
Not quite related to the initial post topic, but "Every billionaire, deserves the electric chair." is a phrase I've been spouting for the past few years. I like to think it's a more extreme version of "Eat The Rich." but probably not as catchy nor as easy to spraypaint onto stuff.
Liberals play along plenty in to the division sown by the ruling class, but lets be fucking clear - conservatives choose to be that way, and are actively and vocally contributing to the problem, unlike Jews, immigrants, disabled people and so on..
Is working class conservative Joe Shmoe responsible for the system and the one who needs to be removed from society? No, they're as much a victim of it (and its brain washing propaganda) as any other working class person, and sure, many liberals fail to see this, but to compare calling out people who choose to actively support open and proud oppressors for their contribution, to scapegoating the people they oppress for existing as who they are, for the problems of society, is fucking gross.
E: seriously, conservatives uphold conservatism - there is no conspiracy. 🤦♀️
Edit 2: y'all taking the low hanging fruit when y'all know time cube is the most unhinged. If you don't know about how the earth has four simultaneous 24hr days duirng one rotation in sixteen space-times then I don't know what to tell you.
They are so unhinged that the doorknob has melted to the floor.
It also seeps into every other batshit conspiracy theory eventually. It's huge in QAnon. If you see a number, pack your bags, it's jover.
1+1 = 2
Do you know what else there were two of? The twin towers. How many planes hit the twin towers? Exactly two. How many times has my wife left me? Only once, but one day I will get the kids back. Fuck you judge McNally
the earth is round, that's obvious if you just go to the beach, but the moon is a flat disk. the back side of the disk is home to a dinosaur utopia that nasa doesn't want us to know about.
The moon wobbles slightly so over time you'll see the "edges" change as the moon wobbles back and forth while still being relatively one-sided. If you'd be persuaded by looking out from a beach you'll probably also take the above as evidence that the moon is round.
there's too much competition for the MOST unhinged... off the top of my head:
JFK was going to rise from the dead (or was secretly still alive) and would show himself as the true secret leader of America and would side with Trump and jail the Clintons
Flat-earthers, and I see it as the most unhinged for one simple reason:
It seemingly has no -- Stakes?
With every other conspiracy, whether it be related to 5G or Fluoride in the Water or Vaccines or whatever, there is someone who is consolidating a shit-ton of power or wealth through their conspiring, y'know?
But with Flat Eartherism.... ? Like. Imagine you got control of every educational institution. You use it to convince people the planet is the wrong shape. And by doing that you gain.... -- What exactly? It just seems pointless? We know what people do when they have power to manipulate people on that level, because history tells us. And they generally don't bother with the shape of the planet.
They're usually also Biblical literalists, who believe that their infallible God-authored Bible says the Earth is flat ("four corners", covered in a dome, etc), thus the globe is an attack on Christianity. The worldly institutions are all controlled by the devil, who wants Christians to doubt their Bible and their belief in God.
The point, for believers, is just to know stuff the sheeple don't and feel superior. It's a smug club, they could have picked anything to be contrarian about. It's unfortunate that they've picked a very measurable thing, so they occasionally self-own with experiments. It doesn't change their mind, though, because being right isn't the point.
To keep us from going to the moon, which is both a projection, but behind that projection is the actual gold reserves.
To keep us from reaching the ice wall, or beyond it, to the outer realms and to the hollow earth(According to my source, it is easier to climb down the outside of the ice wall to reach the hollow earth than to dig through the earth's cortex) (And yes, according to my source, the flat earth is floating on top of the hollow earth).
Oh, and to keep the aliens and the secret elite safe and out of reach. Also, Epstein isn't dead, he was extracted by the powers and moved down there as well, so he doesn't tell anyone about the horrors under our feet.
Paul McCartney died in a car crash in 1966 and was replaced by a Canadian man the British government had kidnapped for that purpose. After extensive facial surgery he took on McCartney's role and no one noticed it.
Apart from John Lennon who hid cryptic clues to Faul's real identity and the real Paul's fate in the lyrics of famous Beatles songs.
Its members do things like go out and kill protected birds themselves and dump them because they think the Department of Conservation's pest control plan is on behalf of the Illuminati who want to terraform NZ etc.
I've never encountered that theory before. As far as my exposure has been, most opposition to 1080 is based around bykill; the effect of the poison on non-target species.
The scientific evidence suggests that the number of natives killed unintentionally by 1080 drops is more than compensated by the increased survival rates of those who now suffer less predation, but walk into any pub and you'll find half a dozen people throwing out anecdotes about silent forests in the days after 1080 drops.
A lot of them also seem to refer to earlier forms of 1080 etc. Given the "silent seas" I suspect what this is really about is a sort of folk response to climate change and ecological collapse.
But the rabid activist ones seem to have linked the "Agenda 21" conspiracies, chemtrails etc with 1080. The covid/5G stuff as well, Sue Grey (antivax lawyer) was mixed up with the ban 1080 movement.
It's unclear to me. As far as I can tell they think the United Nations/Illuminati wants to poison the humans, birds, and mammals and ... maybe get rid of farmland? Repurpose New Zealand somehow.
Some of them have physically attacked Department of Conservation staff, sabotaged vehicles, etc. They're passionate about it.
The UPS driver for my old office building told me trumps not racist or even appealing to racists , he wants to build the wall because there's an underground supercomputer in Mexico thats going to open a portal to hell and flood the world with demons.
This sounds like something from a Tarantino movie where the demons start pouring in, but there is a fence. Since there are no fences or walls in hell, none of the demons understand it so they turn around and go home.
Id have to go with the jews control everything theory from the racist perspective. They believe that the jews have infiltration top levels of western society for the sole intention of destroying the white race and creating an underclass of mindless golem that they can control.
The hated minority being inferior but also immensely powerful is a pretty standard feature of anti-minority world views of all kinds. It is pretty much required to justify the extreme actions they want to take against the minority.
I can explain how their nonsense ideology works, but it's really dumb and extremely racist and you might be better off not knowing Are you sure?
The reasoning goes that certain races are more inclined towards physical strength while being mentally inferior, such that they can't accomplish anything on their own but can contribute if "directed," while Jewish people are the opposite, such that they can understand things and manipulate people, but not build or accomplish anything on their own. White people are supposed to be a sort of "happy medium," not necessarily the smartest or the strongest but smart enough to figure things out with enough strength and gumption to follow through - the image being similar to the highly idealized capitalist innovator, building a company from the ground up with hard work and vision. In the Nazi worldview, white people's fatal flaw is being too moral and kind, which Jews exploit by spreading socialist ideology, and which can prevent whites from taking action and exerting strength. So in the Nazi worldview, Jews control the world only because white people aren't really trying hard enough, and because of that, conditions are declining because Jews only want to take over existing structures and not build anything new.
This worldview is obviously complete bullshit that exists to justify violence (whether organized by the state or street violence) against vulnerable people, because Nazis are cowardly bullies looking for someone to pick on to feel strong. It ignores (or glamorizes) the entire history of slavery and colonialism, and it makes sweeping generalizations about people based on idiotic stereotypes grounded in racist eugenics bullshit.
But it had appeal in Germany because it provided a simple explanation for why conditions were declining, and it allowed people to redirect feelings of frustration or grief into anger and hate - while at the same time dividing the working class and getting people to oppose left-wing reforms that would've eased their burdens. At the same time, it was amenable to existing power structures, because most of the people in positions of power were white, and kept their power in the transition to fascism, while at the same the Nazis could pretend to be enacting "socialist" policies by nationalizing minority-run businesses.
On the one hand, I hate that I even know what they believe, but I guess there's some utility in knowing the enemy in order to better fight them and better predict their movements.
These people genuinely believe isreali mossad agents targeting their fourm with a psyops and demoralization campaigns. It's very entertaining to observe.
The fast food chain Dairy Queen is different than those branded "DQ". It is not a real Dairy Queen unless it is written out fully and does not use the DQ logo on the store. I will not elaborate further nor eat at DQ. There are still a few real stores in really small towns.
Nuh uh, it was a body double clone that he operated remotely, and JFK accidentally hit the contingency plan button, detonating a small explosive charge in the skull.
Yeah, at least with something like the fake moon landing conspiracy, there is a clear motive for it. Like the USA and USSR both had very strong propaganda machines and really strong incentives for hitting the next space race milestone.
The tech was barely advanced enough to perform the functions necessary to complete the mission, everything was pushed to its absolute limits to successfully perform.
But the flat earth thing has none of that. The tech necessary to demonstrate the curvature of the earth existed thousands of years ago and in fact was believed pretty widely by even ancient peoples.
There exists no motive, no incentives, and requires believing that basically all of known physics is completely wrong despite thousands of obvious counter-examples.
That avril Lavigne was replaced by a clone is so incredibly silly and I honestly thought it was a joke first, but people are really obsessing over it. She recently did a podcast and acknowledged the conspiracy and laughed about it, what fueled the believers even more.
I know it pales in comparison to most others here, but that Star Wars theory about Jar Jar Binks being the ultimate Sith mastermind instantly popped into my head.
I've never thought of myself as a conspiracy theorist, but if jar-jar being planned to be the actual phantom menace, but later being taken out of the role because fans hated him counts as a conspiracy theory: Count me in! I think the arguments are compelling to say the least.
I'm just imagining a Usual Suspects type reveal where JarJar straightens his slouch, combs back his ears, looks Obi-Wan dead in the eye, and says: "You're in quite the pickle now, old chap."
I still think Yoda is a Sith Lord. What better way to be a Sith Lord and bring complete chaos to the galaxy than to take over the Jedi, redefine who they are over the course of your existence, and support the slave masters rather than help the slaves.
Darth Plagueis saw through it all and eventually put in place a series of events to destroy Yoda’s empire.
One of my favourite historical ones was the John birch society saying Lyndon B. Johnson was a communist agent, who started the Vietnam war to help communists take over the USA.
Microsoft, the state of South Dakota, and the Freemasons have been infiltrated by the Unified Buttjones Imperial Court (UBIC), formed in 1834 by the merger of the Imperial Buttjones Society and the All-Ireland Industrial Arsing Federation. UBIC agents camouflage themselves as janitors, assistant product managers, or beagles, and spread an invisible green slime over toilet seats to infect the minds of their targets. Through this mental infiltration, they obtain control over the vazween or pony-flavored sector of the human soul, creating Inter-Vazween Buttjones Networks (IVBN) through repeated application of the Greater Invoking Pentacle of Pony Erotic Revelation (GIPPER). Using an apparatus constructed from illegal immigrants, UBIC uses the IVBN and GIPPER to insert bugs into Windows, Masonic initiations, and the Lewis & Clark State Recreation Area. Anyone who denies this obvious truth is a buttjones.
The one where the Nazis found an Antarctic hole into a hollow earth world with aliens/lizards inside it... And that's where they were getting their tech.
My pet conspiracy theory that California does not exist. It was invented by democrats to pad their electoral votes. Any one who has traveled there actually went to a staged area in Oregon. Anyone who claims to live there is either brainwashed or in on it. Maps, globes, etc. have all been altered. Satellites have special software that adds California to its images. Spacecraft windows are actually screens that digitally alter earth to add California.
Once you consider that California is allegedly the location of Hollywood and movies often create convincing, fake worlds, it makes sense. Hollywood was created to take advantage of the tech developed to fake California and continue funding the conspiracy...
I make a YT channel about bizarre conspiracy theories. I keep coming back to the people who make videos claiming that 5G is actually a deadly weapon on their 5G Iphone 16. Nobody has more cognitive dissonance than these guys.
It's amusing seeing some of the ones that were only even really plausible (and I use the term loosely) for a brief time hold traction after that time has passed. Like the 5G ones where even if you ignore the whole technical side of it, it was a possibility before it was deployed but now it's out there. If it was turning people into zombies or whatever, it would be doing that right now. Or if not, then what are they waiting for?
Or covid vaccines. Yeah, when they were first being sent out, there were potential unknowns and it was possible that they were RNA coded to do who knows what instead of just giving improved immunity to covid. I have no idea how I'd even check on something like that other than seeing what happens when someone is injected with it. But lots of people were injected with each of the vaccines. And though some issues popped up, I don't think there was an evil plan to give like less than 1 in 100 generally minor and temporary heart issues that the actual virus also gave (but generally worse). But I still see profiles on tinder that say they prefer someone unjabbed. What timeline do they think this conspiracy is operating on? "Get a covid vaccine and you'll likely be dead within 100 years!"
And the funniest (saddest?) part is that there are real conspiracies. Like there's clearly a push to turn the world fascist happening right now as the billionaire class positions itself to control how society transitions into a world where not nearly the same amount of labour is required. There's been a group aiming to suppress information about climate change and our way of life's role in it. Russia and China both aim to no longer be 2nd fiddles to the western world, which itself isn't the benevolent ruler it likes to pretend to be. Science closes in on solving aging but the amount of people who read this message and will have access to it are likely under 1% (unless some kind of eternal servitude setup is developed). Almost everything about our society is set up to funnel wealth to the privileged few and conservatives almost openly sabotage public services whenever they are in power. Police brutality won't get fixed because the ruling class benefits from the enforcer class being hated by the general public--otherwise they might band together and then the rulers would be fucked. Oh, and as much as conservatives like to removed about immigrants (illegal or not), you never them suggest going after those who employ them unless it's the tech companies who follow the legal route. All the illegal immigration talk isn't about stopping it but about gaining more control over them while continuing to exploit them.
You don't need lizard people or aliens for a good vs evil kind of narrative. Elon Musk being human doesn't make him a good human or anyone's friend.
I haven't been able to find this theory again because searching for it brings up the moon landing conspiracy, but some people think that there's a second, fake moon which is why the moon rises and sets twice a day.
There's an addendum to the theory where essentially you keep walking through worlds forever, quantum erasure style, never dying from your perspective, merely getting older and older.
Thing is, if this was actually true, we would see old people everywhere (as observers of their non-erasure).
That's like asking who the craziest person is. Like, there's so many to choose from, and they get less and less well known as you go nuttier and nuttier.
Much like flat earth, Zionists have crafted an entirely alternate reality to justify their Nazi-like worldview by making up new lies daily to justify their previous lies being debunked.
The amount of mental gymnastics Zionists perform to pretend israel is following international law is absolutely breathtaking. For every debunk of their lies they come up with a new lie until the lie is so advanced that you need to sit through a 6 hour debate with Norman Finkelstein until they admit that "they actually don't care about international law anyways and it's antisemitic".