Alarm as German climate activists charged with ‘forming a criminal organisation’ | Action against Letzte Generation could have ‘immense chilling effect’ on climate protest, campaigners say
There really is no way to respond to this but with more fervor. The climate isn't going to get less worse bcz they are arresting people. It's up to us to take a stance and force politicians to take the climate crisis serious. The people are in charge, not the other way around.
Self-defense applies here, it's not only valid if someone is actively stabbing you. These people have made clear their intent to let the world collapse in pursuit of power and profit and we need to defend ourselves from them.
Germany really is cooked. You guys got the nazi party 2 electric boogaloo so close to being in power that it's ridiculous, your green party shuts down nuclear only to start shoving excessive amounts of coal into atmosphere, you guys took such wrong lessons from the holocaust that now you are just defending another genocide because a Jewish ethnostate is doing it and now this.
The green party was not involved in shutting down nuclear energy. That was mainly the CDUs doing.
It's really sad that the green party get's blamed for essentially everything although the last time they were in a ruling coalition was from 1998 to 2005 and everything that is bad now was done by the ruling party which was mostly the CDU and at some point the SPD.
And the AFD is thankfully no where near of beeing in power.
They way coalition governments here work is that before forming a coalition they agree on a general idea of what to do and what they are absolutely not on-board with and if the coalition government does something that is absolutely against your party you can just exit the coalition basically dissolving the coalition government. Are you saying that in Germany coalition members don't have the ability to stop an action that should go against everything your party should stand for?
Also isn't the AfD the second most popular party currently?
Peaceful protests are promoted by those in power as the ultimate form of expression because it's completely inconsequential to them and easily ignored.
I am with you on that point. And I didn't mention stuff like road blocks, because I see them related to the issue and they may yield some results.
But a large part of the population oposses the last generation and in extension what they are trying to do.
Not that I have a good solution.
I am nearly 40 now, and fighting in this fight since I am 16. I know how much was done and that nothing happened on a political layer.
But giving politicians such a large attack surface by committing serious crimes (and braking onto the airfield of an airport is a serious crime) is not very smart
I am just stating facts. There is no personal emotion involved. Fact is, this move was not surprising. And I am expecting to see actual climate theorists soon. Yes. Because we reached a dead end.
But if we can't even state facts here without triggering many of us, we have an issue.
Anyhow, that said, there are rules for protesting. And, once again, braking into an airport violates multiple laws, with punishment up to 10 fucking years in prison.
Was it that dangerous for passengers as some of the media says? I don't think so.
Did it change somebody's state of mind? No. Did it shed a bad light on the movement? Fucking yes.
Terrorism works because of fear. This does not spark fear. This results in anger of the wider population.
My opinion:
If we want to make sure the next generations have a livable planet we must change the mindset of the general population. And we can not do this this way.
The law is meant to be used against serious organized crime groups like the Mafia. It requires fairly serious crimes being planned and commited by the group to be used, which carry at least two years of prison for them. The problem with it, is that is that 'forming a criminal organisation' means 5 years of prision for any member and 3 years for a supporter.
This could mean that the German government locks up basically the entire German climate movement.
dangerous interference with air traffic (up to 10 years in prison)
Only for the airport actions. The law is targeted at every organization where the primary goal is to commit crimes. We can argue about that part, but that does not mean that this was an expected step by the prosecution. (The government is not involved in criminal prosecution btw ...)
Just to be clear, I am not defending the prosecutors here. Or the last generation.
Also, you're talking a lot in this thread about what is "legal", so just to remind you that the holocaust was legal, as was slavery, as were many other atrocities.
Basing your moral compass on what the ruling class has told you you are and aren't allowed to do is such an uncritical, counterproductive, and honestly pathetic way to see the world, but to apply your own, now faulty, "morals" on to others makes you complicit, and in direct service of said ruling class. Well done.
Yes I do talk about what is lega, because for some fucking reason, i have to explain why I was not surprised. I also talk about the fact that this does not mean that I agree with law ans prosecution.
I layed out where I draw the line: hypocrisy. If you are willing to risk life's , be consequent in your actions.
Also, I tried to show how the general public, again not my views, sees the last generation because of what they do.
The assumption seems to be: if we just so such stunts, something will change. But we reached a point where the protest actions alienate politicians and the general public. And without support for the idea itself we are fucked. Or more, the generations after us are fucked